It Was You

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Book: It Was You by Ashley Beale Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ashley Beale
figured out what makes him tick, if it's a mental disorder or something else entirely. Sometimes I truly do swear he loves me, but then he proves me wrong. It's a repetitive problem that I'm ashamed to be a part of.
    His hand comes up to softly caress my cheek, holding my face in his palm. It's warm and consoling, a part of Kyler I don't get too often. When I do receive this kind of affection I crave more. It takes all my willpower not to beg him to continue to adore me the way he is pretending to right now. If he treated me like this always, I'd probably love him more than life itself, because we do have some good moments. They're just few and far between.
    "Baby," he says kindly. "Don't stress yourself out. I'm taking care of everything for the two of us. If you want to go shopping with Krystal next week for furniture, then that'll make me happy, but you don't have to. Otherwise, it's all taken care of. I told you, you're mine, for the rest of your life. I'll always take care of you."
    He comes down to press his mouth against mine. It's welcoming, and in some ways I almost want to melt into him, but then I remember that he's trying to take my college, my future, my escape all away from me, and I let go of all the comfort. It's replaced with repulsion. I smile all the same though, not letting him in on my disgust.
    "What furniture?" I figure changing the subject is the best I can do.
    I wouldn't mind going shopping with Krystal, even if it's for a home I don't want to live in with a man I definitely don't want a future with. Krystal is his dad's girlfriend. They've been together for about five years now. She's only a few years older than me though, which I find awkward. She is one of the genuinely nicest people I've ever met though.
    "A couch, bedspread, curtains, all that shit I don't want to deal with. Just nothing overly girly."
    "So what do you say? Want me to ask her?"
    My mind is screaming no, but my head nods up and down, agreeing with him.
    "Perfect." He presses his lips to mine once more before backing away. Holding his hands out for me, I place mine in his, then he helps me to stand. A song about an old beach roller coaster comes on the radio and he asks me to dance to it. This is part of the reason I think he has something mentally wrong with him, because how could he honestly get pissed at me for talking to his maid five minutes ago, and now he's kissing me sweetly and asking me to dance.
    I twirl around the room with him, pretending that my life is this simple. This happy. That everything doesn't get blown out of proportion, and that I actually get to have a say about things in my life.
    Pulling me into his arms, we sway back and forth, slowing even more so as the song comes to an end. Running his hands along my body, he leaves them placed on my butt firmly, then pulls me in as close as I can be. I can feel his happiness pressing against my stomach. I'm not sure how dancing can turn a guy on so easily, but he managed.
    "Can we get married this summer?" he whispers in my ear.
    "This... this summer? Why?" I know why, that was a stupid question. We both know it, but I ask anyways.
    He can't even answer correctly. "Why not? What's stopping us?" I was hoping for something more than that. You know, an I love you that much, or I can’t wait to make you my wife. They’d be lies, I know this, but it’s better than asking, why not.
    I have to find a way to prevent it from happening this summer. About any excuse will suffice if I can have him hold off until at least the fall time. So I tell him the only reasonable excuse I can think of that hopefully doesn't anger him any. "I just don't think it's enough time to plan the wedding we deserve."
    He pulls on my chin with his finger, causing me to look directly up to him. His eyes read me for a few minutes before slowly nodding his head. "How long do you think we'll need?"
    "A few months, at least. Maybe a fall wedding. Wouldn't that be beautiful?"
    "And cold," he

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