Isle of Sensuality

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Book: Isle of Sensuality by Aimee Duffy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Aimee Duffy
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really turn her into her father? She doubted it. He had drank bottles at a time before going to the pub. It was only when he returned that he had lashed out. A part of her, even during the beatings, had gone out to her father. He had never gotten over her mother’s death, but she could never justify the way he’d dealt with it.
    Still, Caitlyn wasn’t going to let a glass of translucent liquid get the better of her. And Jake did have a point. She’d heard alcohol calmed nerves and loosened inhibitions, and she could really use the Dutch courage right now. Perhaps that was what she needed. Before she chickened out, Caitlyn swiped the glass from his hand and swallowed it in one burning, eye-watering gulp. Good God, it hurt. She gasped and, to her ever present irritation, Jake laughed.
    “The burn will fade and the glow will help. I’m going to leave the bottle here. Help yourself.” He walked to the kitchen door, paused, and then turned back to her. “Don’t drink too much though.”
    She frowned at him. “Of course I won’t!”
    After throwing her another of his bone-melting grins, he was gone and Caitlyn was left staring at the empty glass in her hand. Jake was right, the burning taste had disappeared and she felt a tingle of warmth in her tummy, almost masking the nerves. Surely one more would banish them completely?
    Pouring herself a slightly larger helping of the fire water than Jake had, she put the glass to her lips and noted it smelled worse than turpentine. Ugh. Caitlyn’s nose wrinkled as she inhaled again. After a moment, she had the idea that if she didn’t smell it, surely the taste wouldn’t be so bad. Plugging her nose between a thumb and forefinger, she gulped the heavy-handed shot and scrunched her features together as the burning liquid trickled down her throat.
    Soon, her nerves vanished and a warm glow crept through her body. Caitlyn was ready to face the scene. God, she was ready to face anything. A grin spread across her face as she picked up her bag and made her way toward the door. Maybe she didn’t know how to act in a love scene, but, for the life of her, she couldn’t care…
    * * * *
    The fancy villa with the glass wall facing the sea which she’d driven by with Jake all those nights ago was where Sean eventually agreed to film the dreaded scene. Caitlyn noted, with a smile, that the dread was long gone. Her head felt fuzzy and her body warm from the two shots of alcohol she’d drank. It was lovely.
    “You have to put these on.” Julie handed Caitlyn a pair of skin colored panties and bra.
    Caitlyn accepted the garments without fanfare, all the while wondering if the drink really had changed her. She frowned at the thought. It was ridiculous. Two shots of vodka weren’t enough to change her. Only relax her like Jake said it would.
    Jake. God, how had he known? There was so much she tried to hide from everyone—and managed to surprisingly well—but it seemed she couldn’t hide everything from him. The thought should terrify her, but it didn’t. Caitlyn was too busy enjoying the artificial warmth creeping through her veins to worry about anything at that moment.
    Julie slid out of the master bedroom where filming would commence, leaving her alone to change. Caitlyn paced over to the huge window. The rain spattered against the glass and rang in her ears.
    Yesterday, Jake had slipped in casually that it would be all right, she just had to follow his lead, to trust him. And Caitlyn was beginning to. If not would she have drank vodka, knowing how alcohol had transformed her father into a monster? It was merely herself she couldn’t trust.
    All week she’d fought against her attraction to him, and it had been harder since the kiss they shared. Now, she’d be kissing him again, their almost naked bodies twined together beneath the sheets on the impressive king-sized bed. Caitlyn had no idea how she would be able to mask her attraction under those circumstances. Even under the

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