Island of Shipwrecks

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Book: Island of Shipwrecks by Lisa McMann Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lisa McMann
noticed you came home from the wrong way,” Mr. Appleblossom said, pointing to the east. “The opposite direction, if you will. I wonder what adventures you’ll reveal when we have time to listen to your tale.” Mr. Appleblossom winced a little at the imperfect rhyme, but left it hanging there all the same, as the moment was urgent.
    â€œYes,” Simber said. He arched his back and took a few steps gingerly, testing the ground. “It’s quite a storrry.” Simber looked up, as if suddenly remembering something. “But firrrst, iseverrrything herrre all rrright? We got yourrr seek spell, Clairrre.”
    â€œOh,” Claire said, her voice troubled. She glanced toward the mansion, but Carina had disappeared inside. “I—well, I’m glad to know you got the seek spell. It’s—everything is fine. I mean, it’s not fine, but we’re not in danger.”
    Simber regarded her. “I’m sorrry it took so long forrr me to come,” he said quietly.
    â€œDon’t worry, Sim,” Ms. Morning said, resting a hand on the cheetah’s neck. “I would have sent more spells if it was really urgent. I just thought if you were nearby, well . . .” She tilted her head toward the mansion. “We need to talk to Carina. Right away.”
    Simber looked at Mr. Appleblossom and Gunnar Haluki. All wore solemn expressions. “Verrry well. Therrre’s not much she can do forrr Sean rrright now. Shall we find herrr?”
    Claire nodded swiftly, and the small group went into the mansion. In the hospital ward they found Meghan and Carina sitting next to Sean’s bed. Sean’s eyes were closed. He seemed to be resting comfortably now.
    â€œHow is he?” asked Simber.
    â€œHandling the pain again, it seems,” Carina said, not lookingup. “Thankfully. But he hasn’t woken up yet. He was lucky to have such a smooth ride thanks to you, Simber.” When Simber remained silent, she turned her gaze toward the group. Seeing their serious faces, she asked, “Is something wrong?”
    Ms. Morning pulled a chair next to Carina and sat in it.
    â€œWhat is it?” Carina asked, fear creeping into her face. “Is it little Seth? Is he all right? What’s going on?” She gripped Ms. Morning’s hand. “You have to tell me at once!”
    â€œYour son is fine,” Ms. Morning assured her. “He’s down for his nap now. He missed you, of course, but he is doing wonderfully well. He’s taken quite a liking to Siggy.”
    Mr. Appleblossom blushed. “The lad likes costume closet frippery,” he said. “He plays ‘ship,’ like Mum—quite the skipper, he.”
    Ms. Morning grinned. “Yes, Siggy built a replica of the pirate ship for Seth to sail in, and one of the boys made him a costume so he’d look like Captain Ahab. Such a special one, your Seth. He’d be considered quite the Unwanted in Quill.”
    Carina held a hand to her chest. “Oh, that’s wonderful. Yes, he’s showing great signs of creativity already.” She sighed in relief. “So what’s wrong, then?”
    Ms. Morning offered a grim smile. “I’m afraid it’s your mother, Carina.”
    Simber’s eyes narrowed.
    Carina’s did too. “What of her?” she asked, her voice turning cold.
    â€œI’m afraid she’s . . . gone.”
    Silence hung over the room. Sean stirred in his sleep.
    â€œDead?” Carina asked finally.
    Ms. Morning nodded. “It happened here, you see. . . .” She struggled to find the right words.
    â€œ What happened? What was she doing here?” Carina sat stiffly in her chair, her face wiped of emotion.
    â€œShe came here to tell you—to deliver a message to you, that is, that she loves you. Apparently Aaron got tired of her and sent her to the Ancients

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