Irresistible Desire (A Savannah Novel)

Read Online Irresistible Desire (A Savannah Novel) by Danielle Jamie - Free Book Online

Book: Irresistible Desire (A Savannah Novel) by Danielle Jamie Read Free Book Online
Authors: Danielle Jamie
Tags: Romance, love, desire, irresistible
answer it, “You can get that,
I’m going to go show off my ring to Reagan and Megan they haven’t
had a chance to see it yet.” I kiss him quickly on the cheek and
head over to them. I glance back at Logan and see his face turn a
deep red as a consequence of the text he’s reading; I hope it’s
nothing serious. He’s having such an amazing time and I don’t want
anything to ruin his night.
    “What the hell Savannah? I
leave for what? An hour? To come back and find out you’re engaged?”
Reagan grabs my hand. I glance at Megan who looks in awe over my
giant rock.
    “I’m sorry! You’re the one
who ran off for hot elevator sex with Miss Megan over there.” I say
winking in her direction.
    “That is a big ass
diamond!” Megan squeaks as she admires it up close. You are one
lucky bitch, you know that right? I swear every woman around here
wishes they were you right about now... The future Mrs. Logan
    “Well I am definitely not
wishing that, I would rather walk across hot coals than marry him.”
Brooklyn blurts out. All this champagne has gone straight to her
    Megan and Brooklyn glance
over my shoulder, both wearing puzzled expressions. I turn around
to find we are being approached by one of the many women who has
been staring me down all night. She stops a few feet away and
extends her hand out to me, she was holding a hotel key
    “Logan is in room 267, he
asked me to bring you this and to have you meet him there.” She
says dryly with a phony smile plastered across her face. I take the
card from her well-manicured fingers and as soon as I did, she
spins on her heels and stomps away.
    “Well that was odd,”
Brooklyn says, watching the woman walk away, completely confused.
“Well you better go see what lover boy wants, he probably booked a
suite for you two tonight.”
    “You have a ride home?” I
ask Brooklyn. She came with Reagan, but it looks to me like he’ll
be leaving with Megan. “If not I’ll go up and talk to Logan, let
him know you need a ride home and I can have his driver take you
back to our place?”
    “I’m fine.If Reagan can’t,
I can always call a cab. I’m bored out of my mind anyways, I think
I’m going to go to Vertigo and have a few drinks.”
    I smile. “Okay, as long as
you’re sure. I’ll see you in the morning I guess.”
    We all say our goodnights
and I zigzag through the crowd of people that still fill the
ballroom. When I finally make it to the lobby, I slip off my heels
and carry them to the elevator -my head is spinning from all the
champagne and I really don’t feel like spraining an ankle tonight.
I walk past a couple getting hot and heavy against the wall by the
elevators, they are so wrapped up in each other they don’t even
acknowledge me waiting there.
    Finally I hear the
electronic tone and the doors slide open, I quickly step inside and
push the button for floor twenty six. On the way up, I lean against
the wall of the elevator in an attempt to try and stop the small
space from spinning, knowing that in the morning I’m going to wake
up with the world’s worst hangover. I glance down at my left hand
and admire my engagement ring, watching it twinkle under the bright
lights. I always imagined getting engaged to Logan, but never in a
million years thought it would be this soon. We’ve been together
for four years, but he always said he didn’t want to settle down
until after we were both stable in our careers. There’s no way of
knowing if he wants a long engagement or a wedding in the near
future. I guess we have a lot to talk about, but not tonight,
tonight we will celebrate.
    The elevator came to a stop
and the doors open up to a group of people dressed in nightclub
attire waiting to get in. I excuse myself and squeeze past them,
heading down the hallway to Logan’s room. My head is still foggy; I
haven’t been this drunk since my days at UCLA and it’s making

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