
Read Online Irrefutable by Dale Roberts - Free Book Online

Book: Irrefutable by Dale Roberts Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dale Roberts
Tags: detective, Crime thriller, dna evidence, dale roberts, crime suspence, irrefutable
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leaned back in his chair and began to twist his wedding ring. “We had a serial rapist four years ago.”
    “Oh, I remember hearing something about that.”
    “It was a nightmare.” Alex still looked at nothing in particular as he replayed the case. “It ended up being one of our firefighters. He’s doing life now. It’s a little scary because that case started a lot like these. The first two victims had no evidence at all. They found semen in the third.” Alex looked up at Sean. “He attacked four more before we matched his DNA. One of them died. According to the ME, it was an overdose of some date rape drug. We probably would’ve never found him if it hadn’t been for the criminal profile and an anonymous tip.” Alex sat staring blindly toward the window on the other side of the room. Alex brought himself back to the present. He looked a Sean, “Did you run a toxicology screen?”
    “I did a prelim on both, but they were clean,” Sean said. “Hopefully, we’ll have the results from the needle cap soon.”
    “I hope so,” said Alex.
    “I can send the blood on both cases to Miami for a comprehensive analysis if you like. If there is a third victim, you might ask for a urine sample. Some drugs will show up in urine much longer than they do in blood.”
    “Thanks, I’ll keep that in mind.”
    Alex walked across the hall to Lt. Phelps’ office. “We just got confirmation. The last two sexual assaults were victims of one assailant.” He said from the doorway.
    “Shit. Close the door.”
    Alex closed the door and sat across from him. “This guy is meticulous. He doesn’t leave anything. No hair, no prints, no fiber, but he does leave his DNA.”
    “That doesn’t make a bit of sense.” Phelps growled.
    “I agree.”
    “That’s all I need, another damned pervert out there stirring up the media.” Phelps said in his rough, raspy voice. Alex was convinced that he tore a vocal cord while screaming at his subordinates. The two pack per day habit probably didn’t help.
    “Well, I’m actually a little more concerned about the victims, than the reporters.”
    “What’ve you got?” Phelps growled.
    “Two women in their thirties, both attacked from behind, three days apart, with no memory of the rapes, just being knocked down and then waking up hours later, naked on two different deserted roads. I think we need to get a profiler on this now. We waited too long last time.”
    “Those sons-a-bitches cost me my promotion last time this happened.”
    “Who did?” Alex furrowed his brow.
    “Fucking reporters.” Phelps coughed several times. “Those assholes come up here blaming me for not stopping that bastard before he killed that woman. Like it was my fault.”
    “Yea, especially since I was the one working the case.” Alex stared at him for a moment. “So, about the profiler?”
    “Fine. I’ll call the Feds.”
    “Actually, I’d like to keep this local, for right now.” Alex said
    “Who do you wanna use?”
    “Well, Dr. Reynolds nailed it before. I want to give her this one too.”
    “You know this comes out of the department’s budget. You can’t find anyone cheaper?”
    “You get what you pay for sir. Besides, there is no one else.”
    “Yea, yea, yea...” Phelps grumbled. “Two hundred dollars an hour, she better get it right.”
    “I know it comes out of your check sir, but…I think she’s up to four.”
    “Smart ass. Get the fuck out of my office.”
    “Asshole.” Alex said under his breath as he exited the room.
    “So it’s just the two cases?” Liz asked.
    “So far. We need to get a lead on this guy before it turns into another fiasco like we had before.” He handed her the two files, “This is everything we have.”
    He smiled as he walked toward the exit. “If I get anything else, I’ll let you know.”
    Alex had complete faith in Liz. Her profile four years ago had been right on the money. It was uncanny how she could get so close. It must

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