Irish Mist

Read Online Irish Mist by Caitlin Ricci - Free Book Online

Book: Irish Mist by Caitlin Ricci Read Free Book Online
Authors: Caitlin Ricci
Tags: Paranormal, Young Adult, sweet romance
cheeks to wipe away his tears.
    “Because I’m sorry.”
    Don’t be.
    Ippy shook his head and Caelum went quiet. I never doubted you. Or Hannah. You both took care of me. I couldn’t have done this without you two.
    “I wish I could have done more.”
    Ippy smiled at him and Caelum ducked his head to give him a quick kiss before Hannah came into the room and joined them on the bed.
    “All right, both my guys look sad. What’d I miss?” She sounded like she was scolding them, but Caelum saw the worry marring her soft features when he lifted his head away from Ippy’s.
    “Nothing, we’re good.” Caelum wiped at his cheeks to get rid of any lingering tears and Ippy nodded.
    Hannah frowned at them both, but didn’t push.
    They were packed up and ready to go a few hours later when Ippy suddenly sat up from his relaxed position on the couch between Hannah and Caelum where they waited, surrounded by their luggage. “What is it?” Caelum said, resting his hand on the back of Ippy’s shoulder as Hannah got up to look out the windows that looked over the fields behind the house.
    “There’s someone out there,” she called to them. The guys got up and moved behind her, flanking her on either side, as she pressed her hand against the glass and looked out at a man in a sweatshirt and jeans kneeling in the tall grass.
    “It’s Isaac. We’re leaving. What more could he want?” Caelum said. He was angry that the werewolf was here and wished he’d never have to see the alpha again. Ippy took his hand and Hannah reached behind herself to grab their hands as well. He smiled at her, even though she couldn’t see it because she wasn’t looking at him.
    The man stood up and started coming toward them. They didn’t move, instead choosing as one to watch him walk up to the glass across from them. He was intimidating and even bigger than Samson, who was nearly a giant to any of them. But with Hannah and Ippy with him, Caelum wasn’t afraid of Isaac. He might have been a werewolf, but he wasn’t scary.
    “What are you doing here?” Hannah asked him through the glass.
    He says a representative from Pine Hollow told him to come here. He’s expecting a reward of some type. And he says that he will not talk to a seal or a hunter. Those are his words, not mine.
    “Of course they’re not,” Caelum said as he narrowed his gaze at the man.
    Hannah shook her head. “Even if I was a hunter, your head wouldn’t be good enough for my wall,” she snarled at Isaac. Hannah lifted her chin, defying him even as Caelum whispered at her not to pick a fight.
    “I’m not,” she told Caelum without turning around, but he didn’t believe her. She had a wild, stubborn streak that came out when she got protective. It was one of the things he loved about her. “And who the hell would give him a reward? And for what?”
    Caelum heard a vehicle pull up to the gravel driveway in front of the house and turned his head to listen as someone got out of the car and shut the door. He expected a knock on the door, but instead he watched as Evangeline came around the side of the house. She was dressed in a tight black dress and wore heels so high he wondered how she could even stand up.
    “Aunt Eva?” Hannah called to her, the confusion plain all over her face when Caelum looked back at her and caught her reflection in the window in front of them.
    I don’t like this. Ippy’s words were loud in his mind.
    Caelum shook his head. He agreed with Ippy. From what he could tell, Evangeline had come alone. And Isaac put his arm up to lean against the window, looking completely relaxed and like he wasn’t bothered at all about her being there.
    “We should go out there and help her,” Hannah whispered.
    Caelum put his arm quickly around Hannah’s middle, holding her close, and Ippy moved closer beside her. Together they’d boxed her in. “Nope. You’re staying right here where you’re safe.”
    She struggled a bit and

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