Invasion of Her Heart

Read Online Invasion of Her Heart by Trinity Blacio, Ana Lee Kennedy - Free Book Online

Book: Invasion of Her Heart by Trinity Blacio, Ana Lee Kennedy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Trinity Blacio, Ana Lee Kennedy
choice. We can’t be out here when the sun is at its hottest, and we still have a mile to go before we reach my hunting perch.” Venus stepped around the body and continued on her trek.
    “I can come back and bury him, if you’d like.” Volund once again draped his arm around her waist and drew her closer to him.
    “He won’t be there when we come back this way. The Bone Eaters will drag him off and eat him. They’re most likely watching us right now, but the sun is rising higher, so they’ll not come out now.”
    Ka and Ino grunted and dug at the ground behind them.
    Venus turned, stepping out of Volund’s grasp, and watched them. “What are they doing?”
    Volund laughed. “It seems our pets have found something to eat. Watch.” They dug harder, dirt flying. In seconds, Venus heard the hiss of a snake.
    She started to stop them, but Volund grabbed her. “They love snakes. On our planet, we never had to worry about the poisonous ones, because our pets think they’re treats.”
    Shaking her head, Venus slipped out of Volund’s hold and pressed on. Every time he touched her, she couldn’t think straight. The crotch of her shorts was already damp, and she didn’t need the Bone Eaters catching a whiff of her intimate scent.
    “You know, you really shouldn’t touch me like that.” Venus peeked over at Volund, and he smiled at her.
    “And why shouldn’t I touch you? I happen to like the feel of your skin. It’s soft against mine.” He stepped in front of Venus, invading her personal space, and gazed down at her. Volund smelled of something foreign, something she didn’t recognize, but all the same, his presence calmed and simultaneously excited her. He gripped both of her arms, sliding his hands down until his callused fingers twined with her smaller more slender ones. He brought her hands up and kissed each her of knuckles.
    Venus thought it was hot earlier, but now her body was burning up from more than just the sun. She recognized the warrior in him, but when Volund touched her as if she were a fragile porcelain doll, she didn’t know what to think or how to act.
    It bothered her that she was so turned on by not just one man, but two.
    Disturbed by the sensations coursing through her, Venus retreated a couple of steps and stumbled, but Volund steadied her so she could get her bearings again.
    “Venus?” he pressed. The irises of his eyes flared.
    “Because you’re distracting me,” she finally responded with a tremor in her voice. “And I don’t need the Bone Eaters picking up my scent.” She winced at her choice of words.
    Volund pulled her tighter to his side, his armor disappearing to reveal—Venus gulped, disbelieving her eyes—ten-pack abs underneath. She ran her hands up his chest and tried to push back.
    “Why would your scent be any different, Venus?” He took a deep breath, closing his eyes for a moment and then snapping them open. His pupils flickered. “Ah, so my touch excites you? Then maybe we should go back and explore the possibilities?” He leaned close and scraped his teeth against her neck.
    “Stop it, Volund! I have to hunt today. We need the meat. Fruit and vegetables only go so far.” She ducked under his arm, escaping. “And there will be no exploring of anything . You and your brother both need to slow down.” She desperately needed space. Every time either of the big warriors encroached on her personal space, her brain shut down and her senses spun out of control. With determination, she took off jogging toward her hunting perch.

Chapter Seven
    Resting on her belly across the tree stand’s platform, Venus shifted her M-16 and pointed it out over the abandoned soccer field as she waited and hoped for game to appear. Although a bit stunted, the oak tree was still stout enough for the hunting perch. Volund lay half on top of her. She liked the touch of his body, but at the same time, it overwhelmed her. For crying out loud, she’d already told him she

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