Invasion Earth

Read Online Invasion Earth by Loribelle Hunt - Free Book Online

Book: Invasion Earth by Loribelle Hunt Read Free Book Online
Authors: Loribelle Hunt
Tags: BDSM, science fiction romance, Erotic Romance, loribelle hunt, delroi connection
    She rolled her eyes and fought the urge to
lash out. The similarities between the endearment and his word for
mate didn’t escape her notice. Nor did the fact that none of her
people knew about it while all the Delroi in the room smirked along
with him.
    She smiled with false sweetness. “Don’t count
on it, General.”
    “It’s a condition of the truce,” Daggar
reminded her, his tone disapproving.
    “The Sergeant Major is aware of her duty,
General,” the Prime Minister said icily.
    His eyes were full of cold, contained fury.
She glared back at him. Now was not the best time for him to remind
her how her own people were willing to sell her off to buy a little
peace. Ironic that she’d just been considering doing the same
    She turned back to Daggar and was held by his
gaze. It was direct and challenging, without any hint of backing
down. She knew in the murky waters she was moving into he’d make a
better ally than enemy and she wasn’t going to win this fight, in
this room, against a man who was essentially a king. He’d never
allow it. Neither, she realized, would Alrik. He’d made no move to
    “Perhaps we could discuss this privately.
Later,” she said softly hoping he’d allow her that much dignity at
    He turned to his brother and some kind of
silent communication seemed to pass between them. Did they have the
same abilities to communicate that Alrik had been using against
her? She didn’t think so. Maybe it was just the closeness of
brothers and years of working together. Finally Daggar nodded and
stood. Everyone else followed suit and the room began to empty.
    Her relief was short lived. She moved fast
and with her smaller stature was able to edge ahead of a couple
people in her haste to leave. She almost made it. A mere two feet
from the door, an arm snagged her around her waist. She struggled
against the hold, but Alrik pulled her back against his chest and
leaned over to whisper in her ear.
    “Don’t even think about it, Laney. Or you’ll
find out just how dominant I really am and I doubt that is a
lesson you want to learn in a room full of people.”
    She caught her breath in a mixture of outrage
and lust. Was it the veiled threat that turned her on or the hard
cock pushing against her ass? She watched the retreating backs of
the crowd that had kept her relatively safe. When everyone was
gone, Alrik stepped around her, keeping one hand on her upper
    “No one enters,” he said to the guards who
waited outside the room. They nodded and the door slid closed,
sealing off her escape route.
    He turned to face her with such a feral look
that her heart lodged in her throat and she backed up a step. He
followed and they kept up the ridiculous dance until the backs of
her thighs hit a chair, causing her to lose her balance. He grabbed
her before she could stumble, seizing the opportunity to pull her
close and nuzzle her neck. She couldn’t help but moan. God help
her. She didn’t want to want him, but there was no denying she did.
A small voice in her head reminded her he was the enemy and called
her ten kinds of idiot. She told it to shut up.
    He quickly removed her uniform shirt and
ripped the thin undershirt over her head. His mouth closed over her
nipple, bit down, and she arched into him. He suckled her while he
popped open the buttons on her trousers. He shoved them down and
one long finger slid over her clit. Her whole body jerked and her
head fell back, eyes squeezed shut hard enough to see stars. She
was close to coming, panting now and desperate for him to finish
her off. Then he stopped.
    He’d pulled the chair away from the table and
set her down so her bottom perched on its edge. When she opened her
eyes he was stripping, watching her silently with eyes gone dark
with hunger and anger. Within seconds he was completely naked.
Tall. Strapping. Gorgeous. She struggled to remember why she was
fighting him. He stepped forward and caught her chin

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