Into the Future: A Callahan Novel

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Book: Into the Future: A Callahan Novel by Celya Bowers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Celya Bowers
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went downstairs.
    She made a cup of herbal tea and sat down on the couch to relax.  She’d had one of those days, and she wanted to forget about it as soon as humanly possible.  The good thing was that Izzy and Cam would get out of the hospital in the morning.
    She sat back and watched TV or at least that was the plan until the phone rang.  She answered it on the third ring.  “Hello?”
    “Hey, baby,” his deep voice called.
    “You lost the right to call me that about a year ago,” she shot back. 
    “Okay, okay.  Lysette, I want to see my kids this weekend.”
    “Talk to Mom.”
    “You know that woman hates me,” he whined. “I just want to see them for a few hours.”
    She smelled a rat.  Paul hardly saw the children unless it would benefit him.  “So does this mean that your mother wants to see her grandchildren?”
    “All right, you got me,” he said.  “She wants them for the weekend.  After PJ’s game of course.”
    She honestly liked his mother.  Beatrice Hall tried to her very best to make sure she was an excellent grandmother.  Most likely to make up for her no-account son.  “Tell her to call me.  Did you tell your mother you issued a complaint with Child Protective Services against me?”
    “How about let’s keep that between us?”
    Like she would have done that rat a favor.  “Funny, you didn’t think about that before I had to meet the principal.” She also knew his mother would hit the roof.
    “You’re still bringing that up?  Look, can Mom get them Saturday or not?”
    She rolled her eyes toward the ceiling.  Her babies deserved so much more than a some-time father.  They deserved a man who wanted to be with them unconditionally, not this part-time stuff Paul was doing.  Instantly, she thought of Tristan.  He’d called her on the way home from the hospital and talked to her the entire way home, making sure they were safe.  Tristan was coming to see PJ play soccer this Saturday.
    “Yes, Paul,” Lizzy said, snapping back to the present.  “Yes, just tell her to call me this week. Maybe we can work something out.”
    “Thanks,” he said.
    “Yeah.”  Lizzy ended the call.  What had she ever seen in Paul Hall all those years ago? Sure, he was handsome, charming, and smart.  Goodness, how all that had changed after they married. He wasn’t the same man she married, that was for sure and he was definitely up to something.  She’d just have to wait to find out how she and the kids figured into all of it. Happy that the call was finally over, she resumed watching TV. 
    She couldn’t keep her mind on the news program.  Giving in to the madness, she dialed Tristan. She giggled as he frantically answered the phone.
    “Sweetie, what’s wrong?”
    “Tristan, calm down.  I’m fine.  Just wanted to hear your voice,” she said quietly.  “Paul called.”
    “Oh, baby.  What did he want?”
    “Actually, his mother wants to keep the kids this weekend.  She wants to pick them up after PJ’s soccer game.”
    “How do you feel about that?”  He asked the question so gently, easing her heart in an instant. “Do you trust her?”
    “Yes, I do.  She’s normally the one who keeps them when Paul had them for the weekend.  They’re her only grandkids, so I can see why she tries so hard.”
    He was quiet for a moment.  “Are you going to let her keep them?”
    “Yes.  She doesn’t know about Paul reporting me to CPS. I’m thinking about telling her.  She’s probably going to hit the roof.”
    “She could be an ally,” he said. “Maybe even give some insight to his erratic behavior.”
    She laughed.  “I think Paul has been like this his entire life.  I just didn’t see it until about six years into the marriage.”
    “Really?  Love blinders?”
    She thought for a moment.  “Yeah, something like that.  We met in college.  I thought he was the sweetest, smartest man, I’d ever met, at the time.  We graduated, got married,

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