Into The Flames (Firehouse Fourteen Book 4)

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Book: Into The Flames (Firehouse Fourteen Book 4) by Lisa B. Kamps Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lisa B. Kamps
kept trying to turn the handle with no luck.
    "Lock yourself out again?"
    She turned and glared at him, the expression almost comical. Then she frowned, shaking her head. "I don't understand. I didn't think it was locked. I could have sworn—"
    "Don't worry about it. You can come join us, we'll figure something out." Lauren made the offer before Dale could stop her. Damn his sister. What did she think she was doing?
    He was afraid he knew exactly what she was doing.
    "No, I couldn't. That would be so rude. I don't want to interrupt your—" Smurfette paused, her eyes darting back and forth between Lauren and him. "Your date."
    "Date?" Lauren laughed, the sound too loud. Damn her, why couldn't she have just let Smurfette think what she was thinking? "Trust me, this isn't a date. I'm Dale's sister."
    Smurfette looked over at him. "Dale? Your name is Dale?"
    Great, now she knew his name, too. Not that it was a big deal, but he kind of liked the idea that she didn't know who he was.
    Lauren kicked him in the foot and gave him a dirty look, then smiled at Smurfette. "Yeah, his name is Dale. And I'm Lauren. Why don't you come inside and get cleaned up and we can figure out how to get you back into your apartment." Lauren grabbed her elbow, careful to avoid the drying paint that covered Smurfette as she led her past Dale and into his apartment. She kicked him again when she pushed by him. Literally pushed, hard enough that he stumbled back against the door.
    "What was that for?" He would have had better luck getting an answer from the wall because Lauren ignored him. This was so not what he needed. Not only was Smurfette now in his apartment, his sister was attaching herself to the woman. He didn't know what was going on in Lauren's head, but the gleam in her eye and bright smile could only mean one thing: trouble.
    Dale shut the door with a little more force than necessary. Smurfette jumped and glanced over at him but Lauren merely smiled. "Dale, go get a towel or something."
    "Really, that's not necessary. I don't want to impose—"
    "You're not imposing. It's the least my brother can do for knocking your painting over. It was one you were working on, right? It must be, for you to be covered in paint. And I'm sorry, but I didn't catch your name?"
    Smurfette's eyes widened, no doubt completely caught off-guard by Lauren. Dale couldn't help but sympathize because he was a little caught off-guard, too. What the hell was Lauren up to?
    "Uh, Melanie. Melanie Reeves."
    "Nice to meet you, Melanie. Here, have a seat and Dale will be right back with those towels." Lauren leveled a frown in his direction. "Won't you, Dale?"
    He frowned back at her then moved past them into the kitchen, grabbing two towels from the drawer and hurrying back into the dining room. No way did he want to leave them alone any longer than necessary. He tossed the towels at Lauren, smothering a laugh when they smacked her in the face. She gave him a dirty look then turned her back on him.
    Kenny yanked on the waistband of his jeans, hard enough that Dale almost fell into the chair next to him. "Smooth. Real smooth. You're lucky she didn't throw them back at you."
    "You're not helping." Dale muttered the words, trying to keep his voice low. Why, he didn't know, since Lauren and Smurfette were mere feet away.
    "So. You're an artist?"
    "Uh, yes. I am. A painter."
    "Cool. I've never met an artist before. Have you, guys?" Lauren glanced over her shoulder, her eyes narrowed as she shot them both a look. Dale had no idea what she was doing, what she was up to, and he was tired of playing games.
    "Lauren, enough." He stood up and grabbed the towel from her hands then passed it to Smurfette. She took the towel from him, her eyes wide and uncertain as their gazes locked. "Is your kitchen door still unlocked?"
    "Even though I told you to lock it. Why am I not surprised? Come on, you can wait in the hall. I'll go jump the balcony again." He reached for her hand but

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