Insidious Winds

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Book: Insidious Winds by Rain Oxford Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rain Oxford
something you want?”
    Everyone was silent. I recalled healing Astrid when
we were kids and that everything went wrong right afterwards. It wasn’t an act
of selflessness; I wanted my friend to be okay. I healed Darwin for the same
reason, but there hadn’t been any supernatural retaliation as far as I knew.
    As if he heard my thoughts, he continued. “Sometimes,
you will never know what the price was. If you can figure out what the price
is, you can decide whether it is worth it or not beforehand. Now, to begin, I
want to see your best. You will choose from the cards, the mirror, or the
crystals. Show me your best magic.”
    The other students were enthusiastic. Ben and the
woman each got out the tarot cards while the other two men set up the crystal
balls. Since the crystal ball was the only object in the box I had ever
previously used, I pulled mine out, took it from the case, and set in in the
metal frame that was also in the box.
    I slipped my ring out of the pouch around my neck.
This was probably the single most successful trick Vincent had taught me; I could
use this very unusual ring to invoke visions. However, my uncle wouldn’t be
impressed with me using my ring and telling him about my vision, since that was
a regular part of my training.
    Instead, I focused on the watch I was wearing, which
my mother gave me for Christmas when I was sixteen. She had finally recovered
from Astrid’s attack enough to move around the house on her own. It was just
me, my mother, and her nurse. I tried to remember what I could as I slipped my
ring on. The scene appeared in my mind so clearly that I felt like I was there
again. I felt the warmth of the fireplace, smelled the mixture of tree and
sugar cookies, and heard the Christmas music she loved.
    For the first time, I projected my vision as if I
were relaying a message or image. I had been able to communicate with animals
for as long as I could remember, but the learning curve since joining
Quintessence was almost fairytale after growing up trying to be human.
    “Whoa,” one of the students said.
    I opened my eyes and saw exactly what I expected to
see; my vision playing out in the crystal ball like a three-dimensional movie.
Vincent nodded approvingly when I looked at him.
    After class, I headed to my room for a nap, since I
had to be up early for my elemental training. Instead, I found Ghost waiting
for me when I opened the door. “What’s wrong?”
    He vanished and left behind a small potion bottle.
Trusting the cat who saved the day several times, I reached for it. I wasn’t
going to drink it without having Dr. Martin analyze it, but I trusted it
wouldn’t explode as soon as I touched it. Just before my fingers closed around
it, it vanished. “Crazy cat.”
    I took off my boots and was about to get in bed when
I saw Vincent’s huge book on my desk. The damned book was always appearing and
disappearing, just like the cat and Vincent. I sat down at my desk with a sigh,
flipped the book open to a random page, and started reading. I knew enough to
realize that the pages changed with time, as if Vincent was still writing it.
At least, that was the least supernatural explanation.

Chapter 3
    “We have done many exercises
to strengthen your mind when under attack. We’re going to strengthen your mind
to physical attacks now.”
    Vincent and I were in the library. We were surrounded
by a ring of blue fire, but it wasn’t hot in the least, so I was trying to
chase away the January chill with my second cup of coffee. The sun was just
peaking up over the forest through the east window. Too bad that warmth was
seen and not felt.
    “Pay attention,” my uncle scolded.
    “Sorry.” I forced my gaze away from the window.
“Shouldn’t that have come first?”
    “No. Except from my brother, protecting your mind is
    “Have you ever seen a gun? I’ve never had trouble
protecting myself physically. It’s when someone can curse me with stolen blood
or control

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