Inside Danger (Outside The Ropes Book 2)

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Book: Inside Danger (Outside The Ropes Book 2) by Ashley Claudy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ashley Claudy
beat out the other emotions he caused.
    He pulled his head back, his chest rising and falling with his breathing. His eyes narrowed as he looked down on me. “Why? You know why.” His hand left my hair and slid down my left arm, to the bracelet. Pushing off of me, he pulled me up into sitting with him, fingers locked on my wrist. “This.” He held up my arm between us.
    “It doesn’t mean anything.” I tried to pull away, but my muscles were rubbery.
    He tightened his grip and tugged me to him as he hooked his other arm around my waist. His lips were back at my ear. “You know that’s not true.”
    Did I? I had been trying to convince myself that it meant nothing, but his words sunk that hope, drowning it. My merry go round of emotions hit sadness and I leaned into him for support, the only person who could help take away the pain, even just for a moment.
    “Answer me,” he pleaded, letting go of my wrist as he pulled me into his chest, both arms wrapped around me.
    “How can I? In this room, yes, I’m yours. But—”
    He pushed me away from him, hands on my shoulders. “Whose are you the rest of the time?”
    I jerked free of his grip and sprung off the bed, standing, anger strengthening my body and words. “Nobody’s. I’m my own person. And I take it back. Even in here, I don’t belong to anyone, not even you. You selfish prick.”
    In a flash, he was standing and I took a step back. He snatched my wrist to keep me from retreating further.
    “Good.” His voice was filled with so much relief it stilled me. “Good. As long as you’re not his or anyone else’s.” His fingers fumbled with the buckle to the bracelet until it gave and slide off my skin. He threw it into the darkness of the room. “That doesn’t belong on you.”
    His warm hands cupped my face as he pressed his lips to mine, heat building between us as our kiss deepened. He walked me back to the bed, never parting from me. Our movements were broken and slow as we moved to lying. He was flush against me, hands caressing the skin on my back and sides.
    He didn’t pull away when he spoke, “You’re wrong. I’m not selfish.” Continuing his path down my neck, his lips moved against my skin as he went on, “I’d do anything for you. Anything.” He looked up at me, eyes hard and serious. “And you are mine.”
    My stomach dipped as his words started a heat wave crashing into my core.
    He slid further down me, lifting my shirt. “Your body is mine.” His fingers dragged lightly over the skin on my stomach, leaving a trail of heat. “Your kisses are mine.” His lips followed the path of his fingers, sparking electric shocks through me.
    Lifting my shirt farther up, he slid his fingers under my bra and I sucked in sharply. My defenses returned and I tried to push his hands away. Away from the scars.
    He grabbed my hands and rose up over me, shaking his head. “No, Regan. All of you is mine, including your scars. Just like I’m yours. All of me, even the darkest parts. It’s all yours.”
    A reckless need took over, his words hitting something in me, something primal and passionate. And I crashed my lips into his, silencing him as I moved my tongue against his.
    He undid my bra and I let it fall free as he pulled my shirt over my head.
    It was exhausting keeping everything in, so for this moment I let it out and I let him in. And for the moment, we were each other’s and I submitted to him as he submitted to me.
    But it was only for the moment. We both knew in the morning it wouldn’t be true. In the morning I would have to find that bracelet and put it back on. But for now, we lived in the moment, infinite and strong because we were together.

    We were tangled in each other’s arms, still sweaty and weak from our lovemaking, because that’s the only way it could be described. We had made love, from the moment we connected, every movement, every touch, every kiss had built this blanket of love that surrounded us and shielded

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