
Read Online Infatuated by Elle Jordan - Free Book Online

Book: Infatuated by Elle Jordan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elle Jordan
“So the same as before.”
    His headshake was barely noticeable. “Not exactly. He said ‘mine’, and then he said your name.”
    I nodded. “Oh, okay.” I blinked slowly, as if in a daze, and stared ahead. “I guess that rules out a prank caller.” My pitch was high.
    “Not necessarily. It could be someone you know. A pissed off ex, maybe?”
    I shook my head. “I’ve only been here a few months and I haven’t gone on any dates.” I’d been focused on school.
    “Could be just some jerk from the bar. You take your phone in with you, right? It’s possible you left it behind and someone saw the number and just wants to harass you.”
    He made the suggestions easily, but he didn’t sound convinced of them.
    And I wished one of us was convinced of it, because I wasn’t either.


    K ale stared at me. “You okay, babe?”
    “I’m…I don’t know what I am, to be honest,” I said with a laugh. “No, I think I’m pissed.”
    “Pissed is good. As long as it’s not directed at me, that is. Our first fight has to be over something really good, like when I do something utterly stupid.”
    I shifted to look at him better, appreciating what he was trying to do. “Oh, like what?”
    “Like refusing you sex when I have a headache or something. I’m prone to them, you know. It’s bound to happen sooner or later.”
    “And that’s a fight worthy offense?”
    “Oh, yeah. You’ll call me everything in the book but good. Actually, you’ll probably call me that, too, but you’ll be pissed about it.”
    Between the tussled hair, heavy eyes, and schoolboy grin, everything about him screamed sexy, and that was before he opened his mouth. Simply existing made him sexy. Reaching up, I ran my fingers down the side of his cheek. He leaned into it like a cat. He didn’t have a classically handsome face, not exactly. His nose was a little too long and had obviously been broken at least once. But his eyes…those did the trick. The color, the shape, the expression in them. The way he looked at me like I was the only thing he wanted to see.
    I leaned in, pressing my lips against his.
    He smiled and kissed my palm. “What was that for?”
    “For being you.”
    “I’m feeling particularly appreciative being me, then.”
    “You’re something special, you know that?” I said, thinking out loud.
    “Not really.”
    “Yeah, I think you are. You snuck up on me. Not many guys would be here right now. With me. With…whatever’s going on.”
    His gaze lowered to my breasts again, reminding me I hadn’t put my shirt back on and was sitting in only my bra. Heat flushed my cheeks. “I think you’re wrong about that. I think every guy would want to be where I am right now. Gladly.”
    “You know what I mean. You came at the wrong time and the wrong place—for you, anyway.”
    “From where I’m standing—or technically sitting—I think I have pretty damn good timing.”
    “You’ve got a way with words, Kale Wilder.”
    “They come easy when I mean them. They come easy when I’m with you.” He reached out and took my hand in his. “You didn’t ask for the crap going on with you.”
    “No, I didn’t, but that wouldn’t stop most people from running in the opposite direction as fast as they could. And I wouldn’t blame them for it.”
    “I can’t speak for those people.” He shrugged. “The best things in life might be free, but they’re even better when you have to work for them. I told you, I work for what matters. You matter, Ally. No question about it. Everyone has their baggage, including me. I don’t like seeing women abused—physically or emotionally. It sets me off.”
    “So you do have a dark side.”
    “Doesn’t everyone? Why do you think I wear so much black? It’s slimming.”
    “You make my face hurt from smiling so much.”
    “That only makes me want to work harder to do it.” He linked his fingers with mine again. “I don’t know what this is or will be, but you snuck

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