Indiscretion: Volume One

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Book: Indiscretion: Volume One by Elisabeth Grace Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elisabeth Grace
a moment while our gazes raked over each other.
    Eventually the attractive woman cleared her throat, breaking the spell.
    “I see you’ve met Nancy.” He nodded in the woman’s direction. “She works for Richfield Developments. She’s in town for the next week to go over some legalese with the city’s lawyers.”
    “How wonderful,” I said with as much sincerity as I could muster.
    So Nancy was a brainiac lawyer who looked like she’d walked out of a Victoria’s Secret catalogue. Fantastic. Fate had really stacked her deck, hadn’t it?
    “Okay, well, thanks for everything. I’ll see you next week.” He smiled at her and she grinned back, a knowing look passing between the two of them.
    “No problem, Max. You two have a good evening.” She turned her smile in my direction then left the room, closing the door softly behind her.
    Nancy’s familiarity with Max’s first name was like a fist to the gut. Wasn’t there some kind of corporate protocol about that sort of thing? “So, does Nancy make legal house calls often?” I asked, trying to keep the jealous tone from my voice. I didn’t want to examine why I might feel that way in the first place, so I pushed it to the back of my mind.
    Luckily, he either didn’t notice or let it slide. In fact, he looked a little sheepish. “I just had to run a couple of things by her. Can I get you a drink?”
    With the confidence he always seemed to possess, he sauntered over to an iPhone dock that sat underneath the flat screen TV and turned it on. The soothing sounds of Michael Buble’s crooning filled the suite.
    My breath caught in my throat. God, he was sexy. Just the way he carried himself through a room was a turn on. “I’d love a drink,” I said. “Maybe some white wine if you have it?”
    “One white wine coming right up. It’s such a warm night, I thought we’d eat on the balcony.” He gestured to the French doors behind me. “Why don’t you go on out and make yourself at home.”
    I’d sold some high-end real estate in my day so I was accustomed to being around wealth, but it wasn’t likely that I’d ever feel at home in a place like this. More like an imposter. All this opulence wasn’t me. Still, I smiled and headed toward the French doors leading out to the balcony. When I passed the dining room table, I noticed the architects’ rendering of the building Richfield Developments was in the process of erecting. Curiosity and my love of architecture took hold, and I stopped to take a look.
    Leaning over the table, I took in the drawings. It really was going to be a stunning development. My hands were braced in front of me when another set appeared on either side of mine. I stilled instantly.
    “Like what you see?” Max whispered in my ear. His body enveloped my own, making me feel small and feminine. We were millimeters apart, but he could’ve been a mile away with how my body was screaming out for him to touch me.
    It was official—I had zero self-control around this man.
    My nipples hardened underneath my lace bra and warmth spread from my groin up through my belly. There was something so erotic about how we were standing. We weren’t touching, but the heat radiating off his body poured over mine. I was sure if I moved back even the slightest amount more, I’d come up against a rock-hard erection.
    I took a deep, cleansing breath. I needed to keep my thoughts PG and not delve into NC17 territory. At least until we’d made it through the first course. Otherwise, Max would think I was a recovering nympho or something.
    “I like what I see,” he continued, his warm breath caressing the side of my neck.
    I had been so wrapped up in my own thoughts that it hadn’t dawned on me that I’d never responded to his question. “It’s a beautiful building,” I said, a little breathless.
    “I’m not sure the word ‘beautiful’ does it justice.”
    I felt Max’s eyes boring into the side of my head and not the architectural drawings lying

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