Indigo [Try Pink Act Two]

Read Online Indigo [Try Pink Act Two] by Max Ellendale - Free Book Online

Book: Indigo [Try Pink Act Two] by Max Ellendale Read Free Book Online
Authors: Max Ellendale
    "Don't be freaked out." Jilly laughed at me as we walked
through the woods. "We won't get lost. It's only one trail."
    "I'm already freaked out. We should turn back."
    "It's right here. I promise."
    As we emerged into the clearing, a huge white fence covered acres
and acres in front of us. Horses roamed and grazed all over the place and, in
the spot closest to us, people rode quarter horses and other breeds at a
gallop. Jillian smiled and she took my hand.
    "That map the realtor gave you is pretty handy, isn't
it?" I teased.
    "It's my best friend."
    "Did you come out here alone?" I glanced at her but she
shook her head.
    "No but I looked at pictures. Our land used to belong to the
previous owners of this place until they split it. It's a horse farm now."
    "You like horses."
    "I do."
    "How come?"
    "They're emotional. You can feel them and they can feel
    "They might hate us then."
    "They will not." She laughed at me and led me the rest
of the way up to the office.
    The owner greeted us expectantly and then took us on a brief tour
before introducing a few of his horses. I watched Jilly as we leaned over the
fence. She stretched her hand out and a tall, white speckled horse approached
her. He sniffed her hand, then her face, letting out a snort when she blew a
soft breath at him. Her smile, gentle and focused, only widened when the horse
let her pet his nose. She waved me over and I pat him gently.
    "He's a good ol' boy. I reckon you should ride him,"
said the owner, clapping Jilly on the shoulder. She started briefly.
"C'mon then," he beckoned and we followed.
    She mounted the horse first and I watched as she sat comfortably
in the saddle. To my surprise, she knew exactly what she was doing and the man
stepped away, allowing Jilly to control the ride. The horse responded to her,
mostly, as she brought him in a circle around the fenced-in area.
    Jilly's body moved with rhythmic ease against the gallop and trot
of the horse as if she spent her entire life riding. She pressed her heels
down, had her feet away from the body, and seemed to already know how to
instruct him. The horse turned when she moved a certain way and backed up when
she did whatever she did, but after a few minutes, I stopped watching the
    Her expression, calm and smooth almost the same as it was after
our warmest lovemaking, drew me in. Gingery hair fluttered behind her when the
horse moved quickly and bounced in waves when he galloped. When she caught me
looking, she smiled and cantered over to me.
    "Your turn," she said.
    "No way. He'll throw me on my ass." I shook my head and
she laughed softly.
    "Come on," she said, holding her hand down to me. How
could I refuse that? I ducked under the fence, and took her hand. She removed
her foot from the stirrup and slid back. "Face the rear, foot in and I'll
help pull you up in front."
    "Jilly," I said, squeezing her hand tightly when she
turned the stirrup toward me. "If I break another rib—"
    "I'll take you to the doctor. Now c'mon, you fierce ex-cop,
you," she teased and I laughed a bit.
    "Don't make me laugh." With her support, I managed to,
very ungracefully, mount the horse in front of her. It was a bit uncomfortable
until she helped me adjust my position. With her foot, she untangled the
stirrup from mine and readied herself again. I held on to her arms so tightly I
thought I might cut off her circulation.
    "I got you," she said against my ear.
    "This horse is well-behaved to tolerate this," I said.
    "He's well-trained. We're going to walk a bit. You'll move
with him. Use your thighs to grip, legs slightly bent." She tugged on the
reins around me and did something with her feet that made the horse walk slowly
    "You're like a pro," I said, trying not to
hyperventilate too much. Allowing myself to be controlled by an animal wasn't something
I was used to.
    "I rode all the time when I was little."
    "Were you an equestrian?" I asked when she kissed my

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