(Indigo Lounge #3) Spiral
through, you’re going to tell me who that person is.”

Chapter Nine
    S he was running on a plane. For a hysterical moment Leia wondered if she was screwing up her body’s chemistry by running toward the back of a plane that was racing forward at hundreds of miles per hour.
    The sound of heavy footsteps behind her refocused her mind and propelled her even faster away from the overwhelming force that was Noah King.
    She’d been crazy to think she could handle him. Beyond nuts to think the first time she attempted to break out of the fear-lined box she’d allowed herself to be placed in, would be with someone like him. But something in his eyes had answered a need in her, had called to the broken part of her that was too damaged to be fixed but needed acknowledging nevertheless. What she hadn’t anticipated was that he’d see right through to the core of her so fast. So precisely.
    She turned blindly down a hallway that looked vaguely familiar. Desperately hoping her radar wasn’t completely skewed, she headed for the stairs she hoped would lead her to her suite.
    “Dammit. Stop.”
    No. Way.
    He saw too much. Way more than she was and would ever be comfortable with.
    Avoiding confrontation is not a sign of weakness. Know when to walk away from a fight.
    She shook her head, for the first time uncomfortable with Warren’s well-mannered voice in her head.
    Seeing her door ahead, she sprinted to it and keyed in the security code. Firm hands seized arms before the light turned from red to green.
    “Stop,” his voice had softened from the harsh command. But the panic escalating within her didn’t abate.
    “No. Let me go.”
    He loosened his hold and turned her to face him but he didn’t free her. “I didn’t mean to upset you.”
    “It doesn’t matter. I think I made a mistake.”
    Sizzling blue eyes narrowed. “Excuse me?”
    “I made a mistake in thinking you were what I wanted. I was wrong. I want to go to bed now. If I’m in the mood, I’ll find someone else to hang out with tomorrow. Or I’ll catch a flight back home when we get to Switzerland. Frankly I think this whole trip was a mistake.”
    “No, you don’t think you made a mistake. What you’d hoped for was to find someone to fuck you into oblivion, no questions asked.”
    The stark condemnation made her gasp. “Well, you’ve just proved you’re not the right candidate. So what the hell are you doing here?”
    A hard smile lifted one corner of his mouth. “You think now that I’ve found you, I’m going to stand with my dick in my hands and watch you fuck someone else? Think again, baby. And think hard. I get to fuck you. Or no one will. And if I think that digging a little deeper into who you are will make the fucking all the better, then I’m sure as hell going to dig.”
    “You can dig all you want. You’ll get nothing more from me than you already have.”
    He tilted his head slightly, that infuriatingly sexy smile playing over his delicious mouth once again. “Are you sure you want to issue that challenge?”
    “I’m pretty sure I want you to take your hands off me and leave me the hell alone.”
    Cobalt blue eyes lit up with sizzling fire. The hand nearest the door dropped from her arm and pushed door open before taking hold of her again.
    “That’s not going to happen. Invite me in, Leia,” he murmured softly against her lips.
    It took all her strength and willpower but she managed to overcome her screaming senses. “No.”
    “You want a mindless fuck. I’ll give you one. But it’ll be nowhere near as satisfactory as it can be if you let me in a little.” He leaned in closer, making her feel the hard evidence of the gift he could offer her. A gift she could accept at a cost she wasn’t sure she wanted to pay.
    “Do you take the time to get to know every woman you sleep with? That woman who was eye-fucking you at the bar. Would you have taken the time to get to know

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