(Indigo Lounge #3) Spiral
strength. “Which part did I get wrong?”
    “The part about me...fucking other people.” She whispered the words, as if she was afraid to say them out loud.
    E very atom in Noah’s body froze as the impact of her words slammed into him. “Elaborate.”
    “I don’t...I haven’t fucked other people for a very long time.”
    “Say that again.” He leaned closer, his breath non-existent.
    “I haven’t been involved with anyone in a very, very long time.” Her voice broke and a tremble coursed through her.
    His instinct blared a loud warning. But he was too hung up the idea of her, virtually untouched, needy and ripe for him to heed it too much.
    He threw back the rest of his drink and set down the glass. Turning so he faced her fully, he caught her chin in his hand inhaled sharply when she raised her face to his. “How long is a long time, Leia?”
    Gray eyes, wide and stormy clashed with his. He had a feeling she wanted to look away, to hide her expression but she kept his gaze. Somehow she’d trained herself not to back down, not to look away. And that turned him on more than he knew was reasonable.
    His cock hardened, nudged desperately against his zipper. He needed to calm the fuck down before he did something rash, like slam her against the wall and fuck her like his life depended on it.
    Her tongue slid across her lower lip. It may have been due to her nerves but it still made his blood fire to volcanic levels.
    “Does it matter?” she asked.
    “Only insofar as it would dictate the pace at which we take things.”
    “Would you care whether you hurt me or not?” Again there was that curious note that sent bad tingles down his spine.
    This time he heeded them. “Of course I would.”
    “That’s...that’s good to know.”
    He frowned as another tremble raked through her. “Hey, are you okay?”
    She gave a shaky laugh jerked her head away, dislodging his hand. “No.”
    He clenched his fists and braced his arms on his knees, fighting the need to touch her. Deep down he sensed she wouldn’t welcome his touch. She was far too skittish. Which made a part of him wonder what the hell she was doing here. “What’s going on, Leia?”
    Her breath shuddered out. “The way you say my name...”
    She was deflecting, changing the subject. He decided to allow her a little wriggle room. But he was determined to get to the bottom of his mercurial creature who turned him on more than he’d been turned on in a very long time.
    “What about it?”
    “You say it like you like it.”
    He smiled. “That’s because I do. More than I think is wise, in fact.”
    “You don’t have a Star Wars fetish, do you?”
    He laughed. “No, at least not a Star Wars one.”
    Her eyes darkened in a stormy grey that told him he’d sparked her interest. He was beginning to read her. The thought excited him more than he cared to admit.
    “But you do have fetishes?” She moistened her lips and heat throbbed in his groin.
    “Don’t we all?” he replied.
    “Tell me one.”
    Surprise lightened her eyes. “And here I thought we were getting to know one another.”
    “We are. But you’re not ready for that kind of information yet.”
    One corner of her mouth tilted. He desperately wanted to taste her smile. “You don’t strike me as the kind of man who sticks to safe and predictable subjects, Noah King.”
    “I’m not. Which is why I don’t want to scare you off, Leia Michaels. You intrigue me. I intend to take this very carefully because the last thing I want is for you to bolt.”
    The seductive tilt arched higher. “Bolt? I’m made of stronger stuff than you imagine me to be.”
    “No. You’re not. Despite what you want to make me believe, you’re very fragile.” He gave in to the urge and smoothed his hand over the shaved swathe at her temple. “Someone broke you, Leia. Some vile, faceless motherfucker that I intend to hunt down and wipe off the face of the earth. And before this week is

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