Incidental Contact (Those Devilish De Marco Men)
leaving wet, bare rock. “Natural hot spring,” he explained. “A hundred and three degrees, year-round. I pump the water through the floors in the house, too, for ambient heating.”
    “That’s ingenious.”
    The stone was warm underfoot when he set her down. Eric plopped onto the edge of the pool, dangling his feet in the water. “Can you swim?”
    “Of course.” Unsure whether to wrap her arms over her breasts or her belly, she tried not to let her teeth chatter. Though there was no wind, the temperature had to be thirty-two or below for it to snow. The air felt much colder.
    “Meet you on the other side.” He pushed off into the water. Wearing underwear seemed silly, an off detail in this dream where she was desired by the most attractive man in town. Amy took a deep breath and started wrestling the tight sports bra over her head. When she was naked, she sat down quickly, thrusting her legs into the pool. He reached the far side and turned. She was aware of his eyes on her less-than-perfect body.
    “How deep is this?” The warmth of the water made goose bumps crawl over her breasts and thighs. Bubbles clung to her skin underneath the surface, tickling her. Her legs and feet felt unusually buoyant. She couldn’t see the bottom, but was very aware he could see her breasts. She wanted to cover them, but he’d think she was an idiot. The idea he might be looking at her nipples made them ache. The ghostly light accented his sculpted chest. He looked like a nature god, lounging on his throne.
    His chuckle resounded across the water. “Over your head. About seven feet, I guess.” He stretched his arms along the rocks. His “I-dare-you” look was plain, even at this distance. She pushed off the edge, holding her breath, but she didn’t go under. The water enveloped her and seemed to carry her back to the surface. Kicking, she turned in a circle, looking around. Bare tree limbs, standing about six feet away in all directions, seemed as though they locked arms to keep out the rest of the world. Evergreens wore a light coat of snow, standing guard among their naked brethren.
    The warm water felt delicious. She tipped her head back, squinting into the silent sky. The falling flakes became streaks. The cabin was too far from the highway to hear any traffic noises. All she could hear was water gently slapping the rocks and her heartbeat. Her sense of privacy was absolute.
    The strange buoyancy kept pushing her nipples above the water’s surface. When she turned in his direction, though his eyes were shadowed, she sensed he watched. Those fizzy bubbles caught in the hair covering her mound, making her hyper-aware of her sex.
    “I like kissing you. Can’t do that with you way over there.”
    When she came close, he wrapped his hands around her upper arms. His lips brushed one eyelid, then the other. The caressing touches spoke more of tenderness than sexual need.
    You wish. Keep your head on straight. Eric’s specialties are sex and avoiding commitment. Forgetting that would be stupid.
    He pulled her against his chest. With a start, she felt his hands move to her waist. The size of his hands almost made her believe she had a waist. “Careful of the ledge. Don’t scrape your knees.” She shrieked when they sank nearly a foot. Her knees came to rest on a shelf so low, now the water lapped around his neck. Her choices were to push upright, or go under.
    She pushed up, but the ledge was narrow. In order to get her balance, her thighs pressed against his chest. Even worse—or better, she didn’t have time to decide—her nipples were now pointed at his chin. His eyes were on her face, and the look in them made swallowing impossible.
    Cold air made an icy blanket on her wet skin. Her nipples could cut diamonds. When he lowered his eyes, anticipation sent jagged heat streaking though her, leaving thunder subsiding in her core.
    She had to hold onto something, so she dared to rest her hands on his shoulders. She felt

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