In Hot Pursuit

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Book: In Hot Pursuit by Joanne Rock Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joanne Rock
line at letting a stranger sleep in her bed.
    Better to have a tryst in the comfort of the chaise longue.
    The soft snap of the Venetian blinds sliding into place called her from her thoughts. She had a two-second view of Josh by the window before the room was plunged into total darkness. Not even the street-lights penetrated the custom room-darkening shades.
    â€œBetter?” His voice loomed closer than she would have expected.
    Her heart picked up its pace. A shiver rippled over her skin.
    â€œBetter.” She wasn’t about to admit there was something highly erotic about not being able to see him.
    â€œGood.” The low rumble of his voice came from two inches behind her, lifting the hairs on her neck.
    â€œYou move pretty fast for a man in strange terrain, Winger.”
    The chaise cushions shifted as he joined her on the lounger.
    â€œWant me to slow down?” The words whispered over her shoulder seconds before his lips touched her skin there.
    Warm, soft, deceptively lazy.
    Lexi suspected this man was as ready as she felt inside. Yet he lingered, his kiss thorough and deliberate.
    â€œSlow is good,” she admitted. She didn’t realize she was edging back toward the hard length of his body until her sequins snagged one of his shirt buttons.
    The absolute dark hid him from her, made her feel free to be bold. She reached backward to palm his thigh, running her fingertips over the lightweight gabardine of his trousers.
    She hadn’t thought it possible for the man to be any harder, but his whole body took one more step toward petrifaction beneath her questing hands. He imprisoned her wrist before she could fully explore the effects of her touch.
    He hissed out a breath between his teeth. “Do you ever sit still?” he asked, tugging aside the veil of her hair from her back.
    It wasn’t the first time she’d been asked that particular question, but the way Josh said it made her perpetual motion sound more like a blessing and less like a curse.
    Or maybe she was just in a receptive state of mind, given that he was licking a circuitous path between her shoulder blades.
    â€œSometimes.” She found it difficult to concentrate on his question as he started sliding her zipper down her back. “But only if you make it worth my while.”
    â€œAre you challenging me?”
    He edged the material of her dress away from her skin, held to her body by a lone shoulder strap. Her back exposed to Josh’s touch but not his gaze, Lexi waited breathlessly for that first caress.
    â€œI wouldn’t want to disappoint you.”
    He breathed the words over her spine, surprising her with the proximity of his mouth and not his hands.
    She trembled, anticipating his kiss.
    Finally, his lips brushed over her spine between her shoulders, a fluttery kiss that teased more than it satisfied. Heat spiraled through her, flooding her limbs and pooling in her belly.
    She moved to turn and face him, to wrest what she needed from him, but he held her hips in place with his hands.
    â€œWait.” He pulled her back against him, allowed her to feel the spectacular length of his body again. His mouth hovered near her ear, mingled in her hair. “Wait one more minute and then I promise I will make you want to be absolutely still.”
    His hand dipped into her dress, cupping the curve of her hip and skimming the satin of her panties for one heart-stopping minute before he traced a slow path up her spine with his fingers.
    Lexi decided she could wait. She could definitely wait.
    â€œI want to at least see you with my hands.” Joshexplored the curve of her waist, the soft skin under her arm.
    Lexi thought she couldn’t be any hungrier for him, until he found the hooks of her strapless bra and popped them free. As her bra slid into the folds of her gaping dress, leaving her breasts bared, she realized she’d been dead wrong.
    Slipping the remaining

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