In Grandma's Attic

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Book: In Grandma's Attic by Arleta Richardson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Arleta Richardson
Tags: Stories, secrets, grandma
swallow me up.
    By suppertime Ma was alarmed by my actions. When I couldn’t eat, she was sure I was sick. Directly after family prayer—after Pa, as usual, prayed that the Lord would bless Mabel and help her to be a good child—Ma hurried me off to bed. She was sure I was coming down with something.
    I tossed and turned in my bed. Why had I listened to Sarah Jane? What would happen when Ma found out? What made me such a wicked little girl?
    After what seemed hours to me, I could stand it no longer. I crept down to the kitchen, threw myself into Ma’s lap, and sobbed loudly.
    Ma was startled. Whatever was the matter? With much sniffling, I told her the story. Those dreadful dishes were still in the root cellar, and I couldn’t get them out.
    Ma took me in her lap. She was sorry to hear that I had been disobedient. However, I seemed to have suffered enough over it, so she wouldn’t spank me. I did have to be punished, though. I would not play with Sarah Jane any more that week.
    My heart was so much lighter, and the punishment didn’t seem too bad. I returned to bed with a clear conscience and a resolve to be a better girl in the future. You really do feel better when you obey your father and mother, like the commandment says.

    “And were you better, Grandma? Didn’t you ever do anything naughty again?” I asked.
    Grandma laughed. “I wish I could say I didn’t, but that wouldn’t be true. I didn’t hide any more dirty dishes, though!”

    Ma’s Birthday Cake
    Grandma was baking, and I had volunteered my services as onlooker and commentator.
    “When can I bake something, Grandma?” I asked. “I’m old enough to bake by myself. I can read the recipe and measure things.”
    “Yes,” said Grandma, “I believe you could. In fact, you would probably do a better job than I did the first time!”
    Grandma laughed as she reached for the cookie pans.

    Ma was going to have a birthday, and I thought it would be a good idea to have a surprise party for her. I talked it over with Pa, and he agreed that it would be nice. We could have the party in the front yard. There were lots of trees and soft grass, and it would be an excellent place for all the neighbors to gather. How this could be accomplished without Ma suspecting, we didn’t know, but we were determined to try.
    Fortune was with us, for on the morning of the party, Ma discovered that she had to make a trip to town before she could finish the shirts she was sewing for the boys.
    “Mabel,” she said, “how would you like to go into town with me this morning? We can leave right after breakfast and be back in time to get dinner ready for Pa and the boys.”
    Usually I would not have been able to finish my breakfast for thinking of a trip to town, but this morning my thoughts were on the party. What luck! With Ma gone, I could make her a birthday cake!
    “I guess I won’t go this morning, Ma,” I replied. “I think I’d rather stay here.”
    Ma looked at me with concern.
    “Are you sick?” she asked. “Do you have a fever?” She felt my head anxiously.
    “Oh, no, Ma,” I said quickly. “I feel just fine. I’ll even do the dishes for you if you’d like to get started right away.” Ma looked puzzled, but she had no time to pursue the matter further.
    I began to clear the table and get the dishes ready to wash. Normally this was not one of my favorite jobs, but today was a special day. Ma was soon ready to leave. She stopped at the door and looked at me suspiciously.
    “Are you sure you don’t want to come?” she said. “Are you planning some kind of mischief while I’m gone?”
    “Of course not, Ma,” I said. “I’ll be as good as can be. You don’t have to worry about me.”
    Ma’s look said that she would worry about me, but she got into the buggy, and I watched as she and Nellie disappeared down the lane. Quickly I finished the dishes and began to gather the things necessary for the cake. I knew exactly what was needed. I had

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