In Deep Kimchi

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Book: In Deep Kimchi by Imari Jade Read Free Book Online
Authors: Imari Jade
talkative this evening.”
    “Ms. Morrison brings out the best in him,” Masaaki replied from his seat as he speared a piece of roasted meat. “Maybe we should arrange for her to join him when he is composing music. I have a feeling she can be his muse.”
    Ichiro flushed pink at the collar and went silent. His hair covered most of his angelic face again.
    “He’s blushing,” Jackson replied. “I like that.”
    Shaundra thought Jackson’s statement embarrassed Ichiro even more. “I think I’d like to watch him rehearse,” Shaundra replied.
    “That can be done,” Masaaki said between chews. “They are rehearsing after the photo shoot tomorrow. I’ll arrange for you to be there if the band doesn’t have a problem with you watching them.”
    “I don’t have a problem,” Satoshi replied as he picked up his bowl of rice.
    “Neither do I,” Yori stated.
    Takumijo did not answer. He just pretended indifference, an act she’d witnessed a lot that evening.
    “Then it is settled,” Masaaki replied.
    “What about the rest of us?” Dorothy asked.
    “Anyone who wants to come,” Masaaki told her. “But you have to be very quiet and not get into their way. “
    “I promise.”
    Neither the men nor the Asian writers seemed enthusiastic about attending the rehearsal. Shaundra went back to her food acutely aware that a male knee touched her from both sides beneath the table. Heat radiated up through her body. She finished eating without much waste. The meal was followed up by a cup of hot tea. The evening ended once Masaaki settled the bill and called for the drivers.

    Chapter Six
    “Ichiro likes Shaundra,” Takumijo teased in the car on the way back to the hotel.
    Ichiro blushed and Satoshi pulled his hair. “I believe he does. Who would have thought that Ichiro would make such a suave move on her? Feeding a woman is a very sensual act.”
    “I just showed her how to use chopsticks. It’s called common courtesy.”
    “Yes, but you also fed her some fish first. I’m jealous. You never show me such attention.” Satoshi teased.
    Ichiro buried deeper into the seat.
    “You better be on your best behavior tomorrow, Ichiro, and none of your silent routine. You’re going to have to talk to both those women since its apparent the’re coming to see you rehearse.”
    “Leave him alone,” Yori said once he got tired or them teasing Ichiro. He could see his friend’s blush deepen even in the dark limousine.
    “You should be jealous,” Takumijo told Yori. “He just moved in on your girl.”
    “Ms. Morrison is not my girl.” Then why did he feel so betrayed? Yori berated himself for his jealousy. He’d never seen Ichiro so happy. His cell phone vibrated in his pocket. Yori lifted it out and answered it. “Hello.”
    “Hello, Yori.”
    It was Amaya. Why wasn’t he surprised? She always had a sixth sense about things. “Amaya.” The other three men chuckled loudly in the background.
    “What’s wrong with those idiots?” Amaya asked.
    Yori smiled. Amaya considered his friends below her and a bad influence on him. “Just being idiots.”
    “What are you doing?”
    “We’re on our way back to the hotel. Masaaki took us out to dinner.”
    “When are you coming home?”
    Here it goes . Amaya didn’t like him on the road so much. She kept asking him to leave the group, which he always refused. This was his job. Sure, he had a business degree, but what good was it without any marketable skills? He’d been a part of a singing group since he was a child and these idiots, as she called them, were his family. They’d been there for him when she hadn’t. “Not for another couple of months. After the tour is over.”
    “Can’t you sneak away before then? I miss you and my friends think you’re fooling around with your female fans.”
    Yori rubbed his temple as a headache attacked him. “Have they actually seen me messing around with anyone?”
    His three friends laughed

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