In Control (The City Series)

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Book: In Control (The City Series) by Crystal Serowka Read Free Book Online
Authors: Crystal Serowka
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Trish discussed these things with me. This was not real life.
    “We understand, Trish,” Wren interjected.
    Trish called what Wren and I had a relationship. Is that what it was?
    I wanna try. My words came flooding back to me, hitting me like a bullet in the chest. Until now, I hadn’t thought about the consequences of my words, and there were consequences. We went from being casual to serious overnight. In no time, we’d start having boring missionary sex and go to bed by ten.
    “We got it,” I echoed.
    Trish nodded and stood up. When she left the room, Wren moved onto the couch next to me.
    “What’s going on?” He took my hands, kissing each palm before placing them in his lap.
    “What are you talking about?”
    The way Wren said my name, I half expected him to slap me on the wrist. I kept quiet, holding it all in. I was so sure that I wanted to get serious last night. Fifteen hours after my confession, my certainty was waning.
    “When Trish said the word relationship, you practically crumbled in your seat.” Wren let go of my hands and rested his arms against the back of the sofa, focusing on the fan circulating above us.
    “I guess I’m just not used to hearing my name and that word in the same sentence.” I cradled his face, pleading with him to look at me. “Look, Wren, I know what I told you last night, and I meant every word, but we need to go slow with things.”
    “ Slow with things? Are you kidding?”
    His voice grew loud, and I shushed him, knowing Trish wasn’t far away. I didn’t want her to know that we were arguing. I didn’t know why it was so important to me that she saw my relationship as something that was good.
    “We’ve been at this for nine months now. Do you want to go back in time and not fuck me every night? Because we can’t do that.” Wren stood up, pushing my hand away as I tried to grab his.
    “Please,” I pleaded, “just listen to me. All I’m saying is that I need to learn how to go about all of this. You and me. The serious stuff. I don’t know how to do it, but I’m willing to try .”
    Trish walked past the living room and into the kitchen. She ignored the tension in the room and began boiling water in her teapot. I looked into the kitchen and then at Wren, silently begging him not to leave.
    “Would you two like a cup of tea?” Trish asked.
    “No, thank you, Trish,” Wren answered. “I was actually on my way out.” He looked over at me before putting on his jacket.
    Don’t go is what I wanted to yell. Stay is what I didn’t plead. “I’ll call you later” was what I said.
    Wren left without another word. I wanted to chase after him, again, but I didn’t. I stayed seated, practically glued to the couch cushion.
    “Did Wren just leave?” Trish asked, walking into the room, mug in hand. “I would have thought you two would be spending the day together. It is summer after all.”
    The smell of the tea brought an instant comfort. The distinct aroma of bergamot orange filled the air, and my muscles immediately relaxed. Ever since Trish realized that the smell of Earl Grey tea calmed me, she often made it when she sensed I was stressed. I lowered my gaze to the floor, ashamed that Trish had to witness our fight.
    “Yeah, he had things to do,” I lied.
    Trish sat in the same chair from earlier, but this time scooted it closer to the couch. She took a sip of her tea before she spoke. “Kingsley, I heard the argument.” She grasped my hand and began gently rubbing it. “I’m here if you want to talk about it.”
    I looked into her eyes, wanting so badly to open up. Between Wren wanting me to express my feelings and Trish wanting me to reveal everything, I was beginning to feel smothered.
    “Wren asked me to go to the Hamptons with him,” I admitted.
    Her composed expression swiftly changed into a full-on smile. “Oh my goodness!” she exclaimed, jumping from her chair and joining me on the couch. “That’s so great. You said

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