In a Killer’s Sights

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Book: In a Killer’s Sights by Sandra Robbins Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sandra Robbins
    “Yeah, that’s what he said.” Billy stared at Gwen a moment longer before he turned back to Dean. “I didn’t mean to stick my nose in your business. It was just such a shock to remember where I’d seen her.”
    “That’s okay. Granddad always loved Gwen. He talked about her a lot.”
    “I could tell he cared a lot about her.” Billy took a deep breath and looked down at his watch. “It’s getting late, and I have to make sure my horse is taken care of for the night. I’d better be getting on home. Let me know if I can do anything for you.”
    “I will,” Dean said. He and Gwen watched Billy walk over to a dust-covered Jeep that sat at the edge of the front yard. When he’d driven away, Dean held out his hand toward the front door. “Ready to get something to eat?”
    As Gwen climbed the steps to the front porch, he felt a tingle of pleasure in the knowledge that she was here with him after all these years. And she’d agreed to help him with the funeral. Despite the support he knew he’d get from his friends and the community, it meant so much to have her by his side for all this.
    A small voice in his head cautioned him to be careful, though. Gwen agreed to come here only because someone had tried to kill her and because she knew how difficult the next few days were going to be for him.
    She might have agreed to stay temporarily, but he’d seen the truth in her eyes. The thought that she didn’t want to be here and didn’t want to be around him felt like a knife slicing through his heart. As soon as she could complete her work, she’d be on a plane back to New York, and he’d be more lonely than ever.
    With heavy footsteps he trudged up to the porch and reached out to open the door, then hesitated, halted by the sudden feeling of loss that radiated through his body. His grandfather wasn’t inside the house he loved, and he was never coming back. Gwen didn’t intend to stay, either, and the thought felt like an anvil crushing Dean’s chest.
    In the old days two problems like that would have had him reaching for a bottle of liquor, but he couldn’t do that now. He’d come too far and overcome too much to let himself be pulled back into his old lifestyle.
    Besides, he wanted to show Gwen how he’d changed. Maybe if he could do that she’d agree to let him see her every once in a while. Not on a regular basis, of course, but just enough to satisfy the hunger in his heart for her. And just enough to gain forgiveness from the only woman he’d ever loved.
    * * *
    The inside of the house had changed somewhat in the years since Gwen had been away. The last time she’d been here, Gramps was just beginning to turn his farm into a dude ranch. Now there were indications everywhere that it had become a lucrative venture.
    As they stepped into the great room, where she’d spent many happy hours with Dean and his grandfather, she saw that the big fireplace still was the focal point, but a big television hung above it now and comfortable couches and chairs were scattered about. In one corner was a table with brochures on it advertising sights to see and adventures to experience in the Smokies. A table on the opposite wall held machines for making coffee and tea and large baskets of packaged snacks. The whole room seemed to have been specially designed for the comfort of guests.
    Off to the left of the great room she stared at what had once been a small office with a desk for keeping farm records. Now it contained filing cabinets and a computer workstation that could rival her office equipment at the television station in New York.
    She’d never thought she’d see this place again, but now she was here. And she found that it felt so right. She quickly dismissed that thought from her mind.
    Nothing about this was right. She and Dean were divorced, and she would be leaving as soon as she’d finished helping him plan the funeral for his grandfather. In the meantime, there were still locations to be

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