Immortal Bloodlines

Read Online Immortal Bloodlines by Taige Crenshaw - Free Book Online

Book: Immortal Bloodlines by Taige Crenshaw Read Free Book Online
Authors: Taige Crenshaw
Tags: Erotic Romance Fiction
flames circled his body then the majestic bird that was Killian was revealed. His feathers looked soft and ranged from longer on his body then shorter on his face. They were a mixture of reddish-brown and amber with a streak of magenta that went from his beak over his head then down his back. Although Kaitya had the mixture of colors like Killian, in contrast her streak was a brilliant white gold. She hugged herself and mused at how life was so weird. Killian was her partner in all senses of the word. Hopefully he would stop being so overprotective and see her as an equal. Storm returned to her desk, rubbing her temple. She blew out a breath. Lately her headaches had been getting worse. She hadn’t told anyone since it was apparent from the exhaustive tests they had run on her that they didn’t have anything to do with her run-in with Blagden. As she thought of him she frowned, wondering again about him and what he had planned. It was too easy that they’d got A’rm Ageddon from him. Since then, they hadn’t heard of any leads on him. He was just gone, and Storm couldn’t help but think it was the calm before all hell broke loose.
    Storm bypassed her desk and went out to the unit. She nodded absently to the agents as she went by, going out of their division and into the hall. When Killian had asked her about why she wanted to see A’rm Ageddon, she hadn’t known how to answer him. She’d been thinking about seeing her for a while but had kept putting it off. Earlier today, she’d just gone. When she’d been told she couldn’t because of Killian’s order, she’d been livid. It was the last in a long line of overprotective things he’d done.
    She tapped her foot as she waited for the elevator, then when it arrived, she got in and pressed the button to the lower level. The whoosh as it descended only made her more agitated and Storm didn’t know why. The ride was quick to the floor they were holding A’rm Ageddon on. Storm strode off and the man who had stopped her earlier lowered his head in a nod before he stepped back, letting her pass. Storm didn’t know who the man was—she didn’t think he was an agent but she didn’t ask him his name again, since when she had earlier, he hadn’t provided it. Entering the cell area, Storm thought of the other levels of containment area they had that held prisoners who had been part of Blagden’s plan. A’rm Ageddon was on this level with at least ten floors between her and other prisoners. The sensations of the fortification Eve had done to the area pressed against Storm’s senses. They were set so that Blagden couldn’t sense where A’rm Ageddon was in the building. The wards were also to keep A’rm Ageddon there if she somehow became free. Storm stopped in front of the glass cell and watched the woman floating in the center, shocked again at how identical A’rm Ageddon looked to Eve.
    The cell A’rm Ageddon was in had all the comforts of a house. The woman was in stasis but Storm had overheard Christos saying that Eve was here most of the time, providing things that were familiar to A’rm Ageddon. Although the siblings were at odds, Eve loved her sister. Storm recalled Lupo’s words—Eve would one day have to make a choice between her life or A’rm Ageddon’s.
    Storm stood before the cell and watched A’rm Ageddon eyes glance down at her. “I knew you were aware.” She studied her. “Or is it just me that you show this with?”
    A’rm Ageddon didn’t reply but her eyes flashed. Storm stared at the woman. “Your wacko boyfriend has plans that necessitated us bringing you here.” In her gut, Storm sensed that. “I just don’t know why or what. But I’m going to figure it out. Then we will stop you. You see, we all sort of like this world the way it is. And having someone want to bring it to an end isn’t beneficial to us. Blagden might have to die for us to do so because I don’t see him as a man who will stop unless he is dead.”

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