I'm Too Young for This!: The Natural Hormone Solution to Enjoy Perimenopause

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Book: I'm Too Young for This!: The Natural Hormone Solution to Enjoy Perimenopause by Suzanne Somers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Suzanne Somers
Tags: Health & Fitness, Sexuality, Healthy Living, Alternative Therapies
Ovarian cysts
    • Midcycle pain
    • Puffiness and bloating
    • Cervical dysplasia (abnormal pap smear)
    • Rapid weight gain
    • Breast tenderness
    • Mood swings
    • Heavy bleeding
    • Anxious depression
    • Migraine headaches
    • Insomnia
    • Foggy thinking
    • Red flush on face
    • Gallbladder problems
    • Weepiness
    Estrogen excess leads to a dangerous scenario of building more and more lining within the endometrium (uterus lining) until it becomes so thick you experience breakthrough bleeding, sometimes even hemorrhaging. If this bleeding occurs with frequency, a traditional doctor may recommend a hysterectomy to stop the bleeding. This, frankly, makes my blood boil. We have our body parts for a reason, and to be so cavalier as to remove the uterus as a way to stop bleeding is dangerous, upsetting to the woman, and not very creative. My experts and research tell me that a better remedy for breakthrough bleeding is bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) so as to cycle the right amounts of estrogen and progesterone into a woman’s body.
    Estrogen dominance is a dangerous state. I began to grow my relatively large cancerous breast tumor during perimenopause due to estrogen dominance. (I didn’t know enough to go to a doctor for hormones. It just wasn’t on the radar at that time.) The problem with a tumor is you can’t feel it. Knowing what I know now, I would realize that the puffiness, bloating, mood swings, sleeplessness, and the profuse and frequent breakthrough bleeding (at the time I only felt comfortable wearing black) were indeed symptoms that undiagnosed had profound consequences for me.
    It’s important to understand that it’s imbalanced hormones that have the potential to give cancer cells an opportunity to proliferate.
    Symptoms of
estrogen dominance
develop when you don’t have enough progesterone to balance the effects of estrogen. Mostoften,
estrogen excess
is usually reported by women who have declining hormones, are not on any hormone replacement whatsoever, or those taking synthetic hormones or birth control pills. Those symptoms indicate that you are either estrogen dominant or progesterone deficient. In many cases the symptoms are the same. That’s why replacing hormones correctly truly is an “art” form. It takes a qualified doctor, doing what is best described as detective work, to find the perfect balance or as I call it “the sweet spot” with natural hormone replacement.
    Testosterone is a naturally occurring anabolic steroid hormone, which means it builds bone and muscle. Your levels always decline around the end of your reproductive years, whether you are male or female. It is an androgen (male hormone), but women also have it. Many don’t know that testosterone is very important in relation to the behavior and the general look of a woman. Testosterone is produced in the ovaries and the adrenal glands. Its main function is to provide sex drive; it directly affects sexual sensitivity, clitoris size (and sensitivity), nipple sensitivity, and orgasm. (Pretty nice benefits!)
    To limit this important hormone to sex drive alone, though, would be underrating its value. It has many other functions: it maintains bone density, affects muscle size and strength, and is responsible for skin oil secretion.
    Testosterone is essential to a woman’s hormonal song, although in lower amounts than in men. Testosterone can help with the symptoms of hormonal loss, such as hot flashes and vaginal dryness. It lessens the risk of osteoporosis by improving bone density, reduces body fat, improves mood and lessens depression, improves muscle mass, decreases the risk of autoimmune disorders, fights fatigue, improves symptoms of diabetes,reduces the risk of heart disease, and helps in the treatment of lupus.
    Testosterone is essential for a strong working heart. The heart is the largest muscle in the body with more testosterone receptor sites than any

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