If I Never Knew You (If I Never Knew You Series)

Read Online If I Never Knew You (If I Never Knew You Series) by Aubrey Bailey - Free Book Online

Book: If I Never Knew You (If I Never Knew You Series) by Aubrey Bailey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Aubrey Bailey
Tags: Romance
tell me. I felt so trapped with Damian sitting behind me, his arms around me. Had he seen me watching Orion? Had he seen Orion watching me? I hoped not. Oh God, what was I going to do? Why did I even start dating this guy?
    "Hey!" I stiffened considerably when Orion made his way through the crowd. He glanced at Damian and then looked at me. "You're Andy's sister, right?"
    "Depends on which Andy you're talking about," I said, relaxing just a bit.
    "Andy Summers," Orion replied.
    "Yeah, I'm his sister." I glanced down at Orion's hands to find them in his pockets and, more than likely, in fists.
    "Thought so. I'm Orion."
    "Oh yes, Andy's friend." I looked at Damian. "This is the guy Andy's always talking about."
    "Really now?" Damian asked, his eyes narrowing.
    "Oh, right," I said. "You don't really listen to Andy." Orion moved away somewhat and I saw an irritated expression on his face.
    "Well, I just came over to ask that if you see him, tell him to give me a call, please," Orion said, looking me directly in the eye. I nodded, and he nodded back, giving Damian one last look, then he disappeared back into the crowd.
    "Can we go home now?" I asked, sounding bored.
    "Sure, I'll drop you off," Damian said. I don't know if it way my imagination or not, but he sounded eager. But why should I have worried about it? If he was as eager to get away from me as I was to get away from him, then I should have been thrilled, because it would have made things much easier.
    Half an hour later, I sat in my living room in my night wear and debated whether I should call or text Orion. I decided to send him a text message inviting him over and turned on the TV. I couldn't believe how long it'd been since I'd had the house to myself (my mom was visiting my aunt, who was in the hospital). I could just lounge around and watch TV without being disturbed. It was such an incredible feeling.
    There was a knock on the door ten minutes later and I got up to answer it. I smiled when I saw Orion still in the clothing he sang my song in at the bar.
    "You rang?" Orion asked.
    I motioned for him to come in, and closed the door before locking it. That would keep Damian away, since he didn't have a key. I definitely did not want to see him again tonight, tomorrow, or any time.
    When I turned to face Orion, I was in a long night shirt with thin straps instead of sleeves and a matching pair of boxer-style shorts. "They're easy to put on and take off, so I love wearing them," I explained to Orion, who said that I looked sexy in an adorable way.
    "Now are you flirting with me, Miss Summers?" Orion asked, "Because if you are..."
    "Maybe just a little," I answered, holding up my thumb and finger a few inches apart. We went into the living room and sat down. "So what else did you want to talk to me about?"
    "Oh, Andy says that if it's fine with you and your mom, then maybe I should move in. I could help with bills and such," Orion said.
    "Yeah, you could." I said, nodding again. I realized that Mom was often in great pain doing her cleaning job and she would be able to stay home if Orion were helping to support us.
    "You have no objections?" Orion asked quietly.
    I tilted my head slightly and thought for a moment. "
    No, I don't." I said. "If it'll make Andy happy and make things easier for Mom, then I'm all for it. Of course, I'll have to speak with Mom before I can give you the go-ahead." I also thought of Damian and how I was going to handle that situation.
    Orion smiled broadly and closed the gap between us to kiss me. I groaned and wrapped my arms around his neck. It took only a few seconds for him to get me on my back on the couch. I had gotten the rest of his buttons undone before he pulled away and looked at me.
    "Are you afraid, babe?" Orion asked, softly. I looked at him. He wasn't asking if I was afraid of him, or of what we were leading ourselves into. It was more like he was asking if I was scared of Damian and what living here with Orion would mean in this

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