If I Had You (Christmas In Harper Falls)

Read Online If I Had You (Christmas In Harper Falls) by Mary J. Williams - Free Book Online

Book: If I Had You (Christmas In Harper Falls) by Mary J. Williams Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mary J. Williams
your pinkening skin.
    Follow the path as it spreads up and down your luscious body. Then follow back
    as it slowly fades. I’m going to find ways to make you blush just so I can
    enjoy the journey.”
    “Thank you,” Lila said softly. She gave Sam the
    gentlest of kisses.
    “I’m serious.”
    “I know.” This time her kiss was deeper.
    “Thank you.”
    They stayed that way, looking deep into each other’s eyes.
    Something passed between them in those moments. Deeper than mere attraction.
    Stronger than lust.
    “I want you. Inside me.” Lila whispered the words
    against his mouth. “Can you reach the table by the bed? In the
    Keeping one arm firmly around her waist, Sam blindly
    searched. His hand hit the drawer handle, and then he rummaged around inside.
    When his fingers brushed a familiar foil packet, he smiled against her lips.
    “Are you sure this is my size?”
    Lila looked at the package, then swiveled her hips,
    “I’ll admit when I bought those yesterday, I was using
    a bit of wishful thinking.” She moved again, smiling. “I’d say I was
    right on the money. Lucky me.”
    “Size does matter?” Sam asked, expertly rolling on
    the condom.
    “The user matters,” Lila qualified, reaching for
    him — measuring. “Size is a bonus.”
    “How do you know…?” Sam swallowed. Lila’s hand was
    making pre-coital teasing banter more and more difficult. “You seem
    certain I know what I’m doing.”
    “Reputation.” Lila breath hissed between her
    teeth. Sam’s magic fingers were probing between her legs. “You have a good
    one. Rose confirmed.”
    Wet, Sam thought with satisfaction. He ran two fingers along
    her opening. Wet and ready.
    “How would Rose know?”
    “What?” Her brain was turning to mush. “Stop
    talking, start —”
    Lila almost jumped off the bed, Sam’s strong arm around her
    waist the only thing keeping her mattress-bound. What was he doing? Magic
    fingers? More like unreal. Beyond talented.
    “Tell me what Rose said.”
    “I could stop.”
    “No!” Was he kidding? “Inside me, please.
    Then I promise. I will tell you whatever you want to know.”
    Sounded like a win-win to him. Sam gripped the sides of
    Lila’s hips, lifting her.
    “Take my cock. That’s right. You know the rest.”
    Sam took a deep, calming breath. It took an eternity for
    Lila to position him. He couldn’t tell if she was deliberately torturing him or
    just a little inexperienced at the process. The look of deep concentration on
    her face made him think the latter. Okay, he could do this. Let her take her
    His brain searched for the most unpleasant things possible.
    Anything to keep his mind off her hand on his dick. Let’s see. Landfills,
    curdled milk, Donald Trump. That helped.
    “There,” Lila said triumphantly.
    “Perfect, honey. Take me at your own pace. Don’t rush.
    Slow, easy.”
    Buoyed by his soft, encouraging tone, Lila used Sam’s
    shoulders to steady herself. The feeling of being in control smoothed out the
    rest of her nerves. This was what she needed, where she wanted to be. Following
    his advice, she took him in a bit at a time. Part of her wanted to hurry, get
    to the good part. Her body knew this was good. Why rush through something that
    felt close to heaven? She planned on getting there; first, she wanted to savor the
    “There,” Sam sighed with relief. It hadn’t been
    easy; he gritted his teeth the entire time. Lila’s look of accomplishment made
    it worth it.
    “Should I move?”
    Sam lifted both hands, cupping her head. His kiss was
    thorough, letting her know with his tongue what he would soon be doing with his
    Sam laughed at her look of frustration. Trust me , he
    wanted to assure her. I know how you feel . It was tempting to grab her
    hips, thrust himself up again. To end this. To fill the aching need he knew was
    shared by them both. For some reason, he wanted it to last as long as

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