to bed, and I would see him in the morning. He was staying up to watch some television and surf the internet.
I pulled off my blouse to get ready for bed. I had a tank top underneath and booty shorts. Pretty much my usual sleeping outfit. I crawled into bed. The duvet was so fluffy and comfy. I fell straight to sleep.
I must have had a nightmare, because I jolted up, covered in sweat. I was trembling. Moose ran into my bedroom unexpectedly and I screamed.
He quickly covered my mouth with his hand. “You’re going to wake the neighborhood up Chrissy,” he whispered then removed his hand from my mouth.
“Are you OK? I heard you yelling from my bedroom,” he explained. Now I understood why he was in my room.
“Yeah, I must have had a bad dream. but I have no idea what it was about.” I concluded.
“I’ll go get you a glass of water,” and with that said he was out the door. When he returned he had a glass of water and flipped on the night light on the side table.
He crawled into the far side of my bed with me. “Tell me what’s stressing you out. I don’t want you having nightmares Hun.” He got comfortable in my bed under my duvet. What a guy!
I laughed at his cockiness. “I see you’ve made yourself right at home in my bed.” I hit him with my pillow. He chuckled.
“I don’t know, maybe it’s just a little of everything. I don’t remember what I was dreaming about so it must not be that bad.” I assured him as I laid down beside him.
He started telling me about his rookie year. How it was hard for him to be away from home because he was such a momma’s boy. That made me laugh. It was nice to listen to someone who had been through all this before. I guess we both fell asleep. When I woke up in the morning he had drooled all over my pillow.
“Ewe, gross Moose, go drool on your own pillow.” I said, as I rolled him off my bed onto the floor.
He didn’t move, he just groaned and started snoring again. I got out of bed and walked to the bathroom. I was very comfortable around Moose. I didn’t even notice that I was only wearing my underwear and tank top. When I walked back into my bedroom, he was just sitting up.
Quickly he covered his eyes and yelled, “For the love of God, put some clothes on Chris.” Then he buried his head into the pillow. I think he mumbled, “tell me when it’s safe to look.” I laughed.
I threw on my sweats and said “Safe.”
“You can’t walk around here like that Christine. Your body is smoking hot, and you are my teammate.” He explained as he rolled over to get up off the floor.
He hurried out of my room as I yelled after him. “Then sleep in your own bed from now on loser.” I giggled and shut my bedroom door.
It was quiet in the house. The Peats had left for work hours earlier. I had nothing to do today. I wasn’t going to start my classes until the following day with the rest of the players. Camp had brought us to the second week of September. The rest of the students had started last week. I ate some breakfast, then knocked on Moose’s bedroom door.
“Come in,” he called out. He had gone back to sleep.
“What a lazy bum. Get up come running with me, I am bored.” I encouraged him.
He looked at me like what I just asked him was torture. He growled something under his breath and then said. “Give me fifteen minutes and I will come with you.”
I retreated back out to our living room area and stretched out on the couch. He finally emerged from his room. “You’re going to kill me you know,” he said. “I hate running, I would much rather go to the gym.”
“Hey running makes you a faster skater Moose, stop procrastinating and get a move on.” I cheered “Goooooo Moose!”
He chuckled and we walked out of the house. He showed me good places to run around the area. He informed me that this would probably be the only time I would be able to persuade him to run with me. When we got back he offered me the shower first. I was happy
Alexandra Végant
Sam Savage
S.M. Stirling
Bapsi Sidhwa
Rachel Cross
Dhayaa Anbajagane
Alexander Wilson
Jo Maeder
Jessica Fellowes
Alanea Alder