I Will Fear No Evil (Psalm 23 Mysteries Book 10)

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Book: I Will Fear No Evil (Psalm 23 Mysteries Book 10) by Debbie Viguié Read Free Book Online
Authors: Debbie Viguié
have already got their friends and classmates to agree to come.”
    “You’ve done some amazing work,” she told him.
    “Thanks. There’s still so much left to do, though. Opening night is in nine days.”
    It was hard to believe Halloween weekend was coming up that quickly. Time had flown since July. Before she knew it Christmas would be on them. She felt herself beginning to tense up at the thought of all the work ahead of her, but then forced herself to breathe and focus on the task at hand.
    They worked on in silence for a couple more minutes. Finally they had the floor clean and they moved over to the wall.
    “Can I ask you something?” Dave asked, his voice far more subdued and serious sounding.
    “Sure,” she said, wondering what was troubling him.
    “Do you ever get bad feelings about things, like you know there’s something wrong even if you can’t quite place your finger on what it is?”
    “I don’t know, sometimes I guess. Although usually I have a pretty good idea what it is when I have that kind of feeling,” she said. Her mind instantly conjured up images from the creepy house the day before. She wondered if Mark had found anything else about the case yet. She knew part of her would be unsettled until that one was solved. Part of her was also a little bit frightened to hear what that solution would be, though. She turned her attention back to the pastor. “Why do you ask?”
    “It’s just…I’ve had this weird feeling the last day or so and it keeps getting stronger. It’s like my stomach is clenched in this tight little knot of anxiety and nothing I can do makes it better. I keep feeling like something bad, really bad, is about to happen. I don’t know what, though, and as much as I’m trying to ignore it the feeling is getting worse. I’m really getting edgy and I don’t like feeling this way.”
    “Have you ever felt this way before?” she asked.
    He nodded. “I felt this way for three hours before I got the phone call that my father had been killed in a car crash.”
    “Sometimes with close relatives there can be an extra connection there, I guess,” Cindy said. At least, she’d heard that could be the case although she didn’t have family that she was close enough to that she’d have a connection like that with them.
    “It’s been other times, too. I had it the day we left for Green Pastures, but I ignored it, told myself I was crazy.”
    “Only you weren’t,” she said softly, fear rippling through her.
    “I wasn’t. I should have listened.”
    “You had no way of knowing what was going to happen or where or to whom. For all you knew it could have been something that was going to happen here or to a cousin halfway across the country.”
    “I know. That’s what I tell myself when I start to freak out. This is the first time in a year-and-a-half that I’ve had that feeling, though. And I don’t want to ignore it this time and assume that everything is going to be okay.”
    Cindy didn’t know what to say, how to help him. “Have you prayed about it?”
    “I was up half the night last night doing just that. Unfortunately I don’t have any more clarity about what it could possibly be that’s wrong.”
    She told herself that it was just the power of suggestion, or the memory of what she’d felt when she was in the basement the day before, but suddenly her stomach was also twisting in knots and she felt like she wanted to throw up. She said a quick prayer as she struggled to regain mastery over herself.
    “Are you okay?” he asked suddenly.
    “No, I’m a little freaked out to be honest,” she told him.
    “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you. I just don’t know what to do and I needed to talk to somebody about this. Somehow you seemed like the right person.”
    “I’m glad you could share with me. I just wish I knew what I could do to make you feel better or to stop whatever might be about to happen.”
    “Believe me, I understand,” he said,

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