I Love My Secret (Nicole's Erotic Romance)

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Book: I Love My Secret (Nicole's Erotic Romance) by Sabrina Lacey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sabrina Lacey
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    “We have to talk to you,” they say at the same
time, looking at poor Mitch like it’s time for him to go – so sorry.
    To his credit, he almost doesn’t leave. I give him
major points for standing up against these two. He looks at them as Jess
threads her arm through Amber’s to form some sort of estrogen wall, and Jess
gets this stupid smile on her face that makes me almost lose my shit, laughing.
    “Uh… I’ll catch up with you later?” he asks just
me, ignoring them.
    I nod to the poor bastard and tell him, “Have a
good night.” As soon as he leaves, I turn to Amber, because Jess’s face was
laughable… while Amber’s was a disgrace. “Amber, that was horrible. Your face
screamed , get the fuck out of here, buddy .”
    They blow me off and we chat like old times, like
when we were all single. I didn’t know I miss those days until right now. But I
guess I do. When Jess leans over the balcony, Amber and I both yell at her, and
it just feels like… home.
    That is, until I pull out a fresh cigarette and
Amber practically spits at me, “Why do you hate yourself?”
    “Excuse me????”
    Amber gets that look on her face that’s like a
lock-jawed pitbull who won’t let go, no matter who’s telling her to. “You can’t
love yourself and smoke those things, Nicole. And I saw you before, looking all
distracted. It was because you wanted a cigarette, isn’t it? Tell me you’re not
    Damn. She saw that? And she always calls me Nico,
so what’s with this ‘Nicole’ shit? I cross my arms and raise one eyebrow. “I’m
not addicted. I just smoke these when I’m out. It’s a social thing.” I turn to
Jess for help. “Jessica, can you believe the balls on this girl? What kind of
person accuses someone of not loving herself?”
    Amber blurts, “The kind who loves you! It’s called
a friend . It hurts me to see you
lighting up a cancer stick like it’s no big deal. I need you to stay alive,
thank you very much.”
    Jess offers, “That’s so sweet…?”
    “I’m not feeling the sweetness,” I say, annoyed.
Look, I beat myself up over these things enough on my own. I don’t need my
girlfriend joining the line.
    Jess doesn’t help me, though. She goes into how I
can save money if I quit and how much they cost. As if I don’t know this! I’m
not backing down to Amber this time, no matter how much Jess is playing
middleman. I take a long Bette Davis drag of my cigarette and say in my
smoothest, coolest voice, “And don’t think I didn’t notice you calling me ‘Ni-cole’
back then, like when a mom says your whole name because she’s pissed.”
    Jess explodes into laughter. I nailed it. They
both know I did.
    Amber gets all huffy. “Another way to get your
dopamine levels up is to have sex, NICOLE,” she says, like Game On!
    I take another sexy drag and walk over the balcony
and hold their attention with a nice long pause as I look over and assess the
city below. Then I turn, hold her eyes. “I have plenty of sex. Sex…is not my
    “She does have plenty of sex,” Jess nods from
where she stands beside me.
    I can’t believe it. You never win in war against
Amber. But there she is, looking awkward! And could she give any more attention
to that spot on the floor she’s staring at? I
    Amber opens her mouth but no words come out for
almost two seconds. Jess and I are totally leaning forward in suspense until
she finally says in a quiet voice, “But maybe what you need is sex with someone
you tell Josh you love him!?” Jess yells.
    Oh my God. She won. She fucking won. How does she
DO that?! As we hear a summary of the juicy details about her and Josh telling
each other they love each other for the very first time – as if we all
didn’t see that coming – I think to myself that if she can be brave
enough to fuck him in Marlena’s closet, then I can sure as hell quit these
cigarettes. For good. I toss them over the wall, which

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