I Love My Secret (Nicole's Erotic Romance)

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Book: I Love My Secret (Nicole's Erotic Romance) by Sabrina Lacey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sabrina Lacey
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in particular, thinking about
something. I should get out of the street, move out of view, but I can’t tear
myself away. What are you thinking about,
Michael, as you take that slow sip of coffee and frown like the world’s
problems are only yours to solve? He runs one hand through his hair and
shakes it out, then walks away from the window and out of my sight.
    I let out a breath and realize... I was holding it.
    “He’s very handsome,” a voice says, next to me,
her sound aged and thick with a Romanian accent.
    I shoot the old gypsy woman a look and focus back
on the window.
    “Have a dollar?” she rasps.
    I sigh. “Sure. Yeah.” I have a few for her. That’s
what my mother would do, and it is her money after all.
    She takes them with glee and asks, “You want I
read your fortune?” Then she smiles, surprisingly still in possession of all of
her yellowed teeth.
    I smile back and push myself off the light pole.
“No, thank you.”
    She smiles wider, her eyebrows high enough to look
silly. “I can tell you what will happen between you and the man?”
    I freeze. Oooo those gypsies are good. I look back
at her and consider it but. But I know in my heart that she can’t help me. “Thanks,
but I think I already know. You have a good night.” I walk back to the subway,
casting one furtive glance up to the window before I leave.

    At Marlena’s Party

    “I haven’t seen you at Marlena’s parties. Are you
a new friend of hers?” I’ve never met the guy before, the one who’s made his
way out to the balcony to join me for a cigarette…and from the looks of how
he’s holding that stick, he’s never smoked before, either. I have to admit his
feigning being a smoker to talk to me, is appreciated. I’m a fifth wheel
tonight, as is so often the case lately. David and Jess and Amber and Josh. And
me. Outskirts Number Five. The single girl. I don’t even mind being single, but
it’s hard to stick to that belief when your best girlfriends are getting loved
on by two men who’ve claimed them, right in front of you and the whole damn
world. I had to come out here… to escape.
    I watch, slightly amused but for the wrong
reasons, as he takes another drag. He looks like a teenager who’s trying to act
cool. He’s average looking, and I’m trying to be happy he’s here…but really?
There’s something needy about him that is already rubbing me the wrong way, two
seconds in. Michael has held the bar very high and I’m finding few men who can
jump it. Actually, I haven’t found one.
    But he’s here and I’m bored so I answer. “I’ve
known Marlena about six months now. Couldn’t make it to the last one.” I bite
the corner of my mouth, wondering if I have the interest to say more. Where’s
my wine? Oh. In my hand. (Sip)
    He grins. “Six months, huh? That’s not long. I’ve
known her for years.” He takes another painful puff, flicking it before it’s
me time. I’m sure I’ll know her longer than six months, soon. Maybe I’ll catch
up to you.”
    “Ha. That’s funny. What’s your name?” He holds out
his hand, “I’m Mitch.”
    I think ‘Mitch’ means Oh he of the agenda .
    “Nicole.” I shake his hand, but it’s soft and
limp. Oh man. Now any desire for his company – even conversation – is
erased. But I like Marlena. I’m not going to be rude to her guest. I prepare
myself for a torturous half-hour.
    “Nicole. That’s pretty. I had a girlfriend named
Nicole once. She broke my heart. You wouldn’t do that, would you?” He laughs
and looks at me like we just shared a joke.   I picture him living in the 1950’s,
selling door-to-door insurance.
    I raise my eyebrows simply because he won’t stop
smiling. “No, I’m sure I wouldn’t do that.” Because
I would never give you the chance.
    He’s about to launch into another sales pitch when
Amber and Jess save me by walking onto the balcony, sans boyfriends. I’ve never
been happier to see them in my

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