Hypno Harem 2: Harem-Scarem!

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Book: Hypno Harem 2: Harem-Scarem! by Morgan Wolfe Read Free Book Online
Authors: Morgan Wolfe
Houston’s premier strip club, and while the audience was thin, it was game.
    The MC, a weary stand-up comic, trotted onstage. “A big hand, please, for Dinah Might and her bang-up performance – and I do mean bang! ” He stomped out the smoldering fuse of an unexploded firecracker, the remnants of Dinah’s noisy routine.
    Jong, Mung and Sook sat at a table in the back. Going to the strip club was Sung’s idea. Their primary mission was to bring back Popper’s book, but they’d also been instructed to observe American customs and culture so Hometown U.S.A. could be brought up to date.
    And, oh boy, did it need updating! Having belatedly discovered their duds were out of date by half a century, the three had purchased new clothes. Jong and Mung were wearing polo shirts, khaki pants and loafers. Sung wore sandals, a pleated maroon skirt and a green sleeveless top with matching jacket.
    All three were sipping Mai Tais adorned with umbrellas.
    “Next up,” cheerily announced the MC, “a routine you’re sure to find ‘just right!’ Welcome please, Daisy, Brownie and Happy in Goldilocks and the Two Bares !” The band struck up a medley of nursery tunes, beginning with Old MacDonald . Daisy skipped onstage clad in a mini-dress decorated with sunflowers, hair tucked under a wide-brimmed straw hat.
    At their table, Mung passed around his iPad. Jong and Sook studied Woody’s Facebook photo.
    “No posts for two months,” said Mung. “Busy moving maybe. He has office at Rice. Second floor of Neurology building, end of hall.”
    “Professor?” asked Jong.
    “Researcher. Office hours not posted. We have to keep watch.”
    “All day?” asked Sook.
    “No, just 10:00 to 4:00, five days, probably less. One of us in hallway, other two in parking lot. He show up sooner or late. When he leaves, tail him.”
    Onstage, Goldilocks mimed opening an imaginary door. On the other side of the door were two cots, two chairs and a card table with two cereal bowls. The club paid its strippers well but scrimped on props.
    Goldilocks sat down at the table and pretended to spoon from the bowl. “This porridge is too cold! ” she said in a high squeaky voice.
    “Fuck the porridge and get it off!” someone in the audience yelled impatiently.
    The three Koreans paid no attention. “Watch for him in hall?” Sook said worriedly. “Someone notice.”
    “No, no,” reassured Mung. “We dress like college students, blend in .”
    “Maybe take all week,” grumbled Jong. “Pyongyang in hurry.”
    “Yes, yes,” snorted Mung irritably. “Pyongyang say, ‘Hurry up and spy!’”
    “Pyongyang must learn patience,” said Sook. “Patient spider spins web slowly.”
    “Pyongyang want results right away,” sighed Jong.
    “Patient spider wait for tender fly,” said Sook, sipping her Mai Tai.
    Onstage, Goldilocks mimed dissatisfaction with her first bed. “This bed is too hard! ”
    “So am I!” yelled someone. “Get it off!”
    “Patient spider—” began Sook.
    “We get it,” said Sung.
    “We must blend in,” said Jong. “Watch. Learn American customs.”
    The three fell silent and watched the show. The band segued into Pop Goes the Weasel. Brownie and Happy, wearing floppy bear ears and skimpy brown costumes trimmed in fur, skipped onstage.
    “ Someone’s been eating my porridge!” announced Brownie as Mama Bear in a voice that was meant to be low and rumbly. The crowd laughed.
    “Eat me! ” yelled a wit in the crowd. The crowd laughed harder.
    Sook sniffed. “Decadent Americans.”
    “Degenerate,” concurred Sung.
    “Depraved,” agreed Jong.
    The band went into I’ve Been Working on the Railroad.
    W oody and Li’l Berta entered the strip club’s dim interior. Woody held Berta’s hand while he waited for his eyes to adjust. “Daddee, look at the funny ladies!” she squealed.
    “ Shhh ,” whispered Woody.
    A beefy man with a crew-cut approached them. “You can’t bring a kid in here,” he told

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