Hunting Truth

Read Online Hunting Truth by J. D. Chase - Free Book Online

Book: Hunting Truth by J. D. Chase Read Free Book Online
Authors: J. D. Chase
Tags: Romance
revenge on your
    He nodded. “Yeah , and the nanny that I had when I was a youngster
told me that my mother wanted to call me Lucas, not Luke. She
didn’t like the sound of Luke. My father changed it when he
registered my birth. Apparently, he said I wasn’t worthy of the
name she’d chosen after I’d killed her. I overheard the maid
talking one day. My father even refused to allow my name to be
included on her gravestone. It states beloved mother of Joel but no
mention of me. Perhaps that’s fair, seeing as she didn’t actually
get to meet me.”
    I squeezed him tight. This man was more
emotionally fucked up than I was and yet, bar his need for revenge,
he was doing brilliantly in life. Even his need for revenge was
understandable, given the circumstances. He was an inspiration
really and I felt so badly for walking out on him. For not trusting
him or at least giving him a chance to explain. I’d been so pissed
at Angel for running away and not trusting me or Chad or at least
hanging around to find out the truth, yet I’d done the same. I
thought back to Daniel’s words about him being broken. I wondered
what had reversed his emotional decline but I couldn’t ask him
without betraying Daniel. Thinking about Angel made me realize that
she’d be worried. I’d only gone to the bathroom and that was ages
    I told Lucas that I needed to get back to
Angel before she worried. He asked if he could join us. I was surprised but I agreed
without hesitation. As we stood, he rested his arm along my
shoulders. It felt good. I turned to face him and stood on my
tiptoes. “I’m so glad you came here tonight. I’m so sorry. I should
have trusted you more. I shouldn’t have left you like that. I truly
am sorry, Lucas. For everything.” I kissed him on the
    He wrapped his other arm around me and
pulled me against him. When he spoke, his voice was thick with
emotion. “Issy, does that mean you might consider forgiving
    I hugged him as tightly as I could. “Lucas, there’s nothing to
forgive. I’m the one who should beg for forgiveness.”
    “ No, Issy. You should beg for
    I pulled back and looked him in the eye,
raising an eyebrow playfully. “Nothing?”
    He chucked delightedly. “Well, yeah. If
you’ll take me back, I fully intend for you to beg for some
things.” Then he looked at me with tenderness. “Will you consider
taking me back, Issy?”
    I kissed him passionately. I think he figured out my
answer, but when I tried to pull away he held me in his arms as if
he couldn’t bring himself to let me go. I relaxed back into his
arms and after a few seconds he spoke.
    “ I ’m not experienced in the art of romantic gestures and I’m
useless at expressing myself . . . but I have to tell you what you
mean to me. I thought I had a pretty good idea until you left me
but then I realized that I hadn’t a clue. When you walked away, I
was broken. I thought I’d lost you forever, that there was no way
you’d understand or give me a second chance. That I’d be alone for
    “ Oh, you wouldn’t have been. You’re a very
special man, Lucas Hunter. You deserve to be loved. To be happy.
You’d have been snapped up by some lucky lady,” I whispered,
desperately hoping that I’d be the one to make him happy for a very
long time. Perhaps even forever. Wow! Where did that come from? And I’m not
even freaked out by that revelation. Oh God, I’ve got it
    I was shaken from my thoughts by Lucas
roughly holding me at arms ’ length and looking into my eyes . . . his irises were
liquid black. “The fuck I would! You don’t get it, do you? I could
never want anyone as much as I want you. Need you. I want you to be
mine. Totally and irrevocably mine. I want to leave my fingerprints
on every inch of your body. I want to invade your every waking
thought and all of your dreams. I want to hold you in my arms and
have you melt into me. To have your heart and soul branded

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