Hunting Evil

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Book: Hunting Evil by Carol Lynne Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carol Lynne
Tags: Erotic Romance
surprising move, York bent to pepper soft kisses against Vince’s back, showing more tenderness than Vince had thought possible. He looked forward to peeling back the layers of York’s tough exterior to the heart of the man. Despite York’s bravado, Vince knew York’s relationship with Lauren wasn’t completely about sex.
    * * * *
    Opening her eyes, Lauren found she was surrounded by familiar faces. She looked at her friends York, Benson and Drone. “What? Am I dying or is this a recreation of the Wizard of Oz?”
    Benson smiled, something he only seemed to do for Lauren, and sat on the edge of the bed. The large blond Adonis brushed her hair away from her face. “Just the opposite. You’ve been reborn.”
    “Vince, get in here!” York yelled.
    Remembering her face, Lauren tried to shield it from the man she loved. Benson reached out and kept her from covering her cheek. “No need. We’ve already seen them.”
    A tear ran down the side of her cheek. Armand had been right. If Vince wasn’t put off by the sight of her, it would only be out of pity that he stayed. The opposite side of the bed dipped, and Vince’s arm wrapped around her.
    “It’s about time you woke up,” he said, kissing the side of her neck.
    Lauren was too embarrassed to look at him. “I’ll understand…” she whispered.
    Vince put his hand under her chin and turned her head to face him. “Enough of that. You’re beautiful.” He ran a finger over her cheek. “York thinks they’ll fade in time. They’re not as bad as you think.”
    Lauren looked into Vince’s deep brown eyes and saw the truth in his words. “He said no one would want me. I guess he didn’t know you .”
    A thought occurred to her, and she tried to sit up. “Where’s Armand?”
    Looking decidedly uncomfortable, York stepped forward and stretched out beside her. “I failed you. I thought I’d killed him, but you were bleeding, and I knew if we didn’t hurry and turn you, it would be too late.”
    Lauren closed her eyes and sank back into the pillow. She wasn’t angry with York, but to know Armand was still out there, probably licking his wounds in some five-star resort, would eat at her until she found him again. “It’ll take him several weeks to recover, depending on his injuries.”
    York laid his head on Lauren’s pillow. “No one should have been able to recover from the wounds I inflicted.”
    “Believe me, I shouldn’t have been able to survive the injuries I sustained at Armand’s hands either. There aren’t many shifters in the world, so those of us who are left have been granted the gift of surviving almost anything.” Lauren ruffled Vince’s hair. “What about the police?”
    Vince rolled to his side. He looked from York back to her. “I lied to them. I don’t feel good about it, but you were right, cops don’t stand a chance against Armand. I called Bently after we made sure you would be okay and told him one of the BVA officers had made it to the scene first. I asked him to check with them, but because Armand was a shifter, I believed the BVA had domain over the body.”
    “And Bently bought it?” she questioned.
    “Sure, once Kade Black called the Commissioner.” Vince grasped her hand and lifted it to his lips. “I’ve been asked to join the Bureau of Vampire Affairs as an investigator. I haven’t taken the job, because I wanted to talk it over with you first.”
    “As part of the Rogue Hunters team?”
    “Yes, they want you , too. Not just as a contractor but full-time.”
    “But you have to be…” It suddenly dawned on her. Her hand went to her throat. “Did you?”
    “Kind of. There was no other way. The wounds to your neck were too extensive.” Vince looked down at their joined hands. “I’m sorry. We took a chance with your life and you weren’t even coherent enough to agree, but there was no time for me to learn, so York and I did it together.”
    Still holding Vince’s hand, Lauren reached for York.

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