Hunting and Gathering

Read Online Hunting and Gathering by Anna Gavalda - Free Book Online

Book: Hunting and Gathering by Anna Gavalda Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anna Gavalda
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regrets. At times it had been so, so hard. But she mustn’t think about all that. Anyway, Franck started to wake up, hair tousled and his cheek marked by the seam on the armchair.
    â€œWhat time is it, Grandma?”
    â€œNearly five.”
    â€œFuck, already?”
    â€œFranck, why are you always saying that f-word?”
    â€œHow about, ‘goodness-gracious-me, already’?”
    â€œAre you hungry?”
    â€œI’m okay, I’m more thirsty. Let me go stretch my legs.”
    So there we are, thought Paulette, that’s it. “Are you leaving?”
    â€œCourse not, I’m not leaving, fu—gracious me.”
    â€œIf you see a red-haired man with a white coat, can you ask him when I’m supposed to get out of here?”
    â€œYeah, yeah,” said Franck as he went out the door.
    â€œA tall man with glasses and a—”
    He was already in the corridor.
    â€œI didn’t see him.”
    â€œC’mon, Grandma,” he said gently, “you’re not gonna start crying again, are you?”
    â€œNo, but I . . . I’ve been thinking about the cat, and the birds. And it’s been raining all week long and I’m worried about my tools. I didn’t put them away and they’re going to rust for sure.”
    â€œI’ll go by the house on my way home and take care of it.”
    â€œTake me with you.”
    â€œOh, Grandma . . . Don’t do this to me every time. I can’t take it.”
    She took ahold of herself.
    â€œThe tools . . .”
    â€œYou need to oil them with neat’s-foot oil.”
    He looked at her and blew out his cheeks. “Hey, if I have time, okay? Right, this is all very well, but you have your gym class now, you know. Where’s your walker?”
    â€œI don’t know.”
    â€œBehind the door.”
    â€œC’mon, old girl, get up, you want to see some birds? I’ll show you some birds!”
    â€œBah, there’s no birds here. Just vultures and raptors.”
    Franck smiled. He loved it when his grandma was spiteful.
“You okay?”
    â€œNow what’s the matter?”
    â€œIt hurts.”
    â€œEverywhere? That’s impossible. Show me the exact spot.”
    â€œInside my head.”
    â€œThat’s normal. Hey, we all hurt inside our heads. C’mon, introduce me to your girlfriends.”
    â€œNo, go the other way. I don’t want to see those folks, I can’t stand them.”
    â€œAnd what about that old guy in the blazer, he’s not bad, is he?”
    â€œThat’s not a blazer, stupid, that’s his pajamas, and on top of it he’s deaf as a post. And pretentious to boot.”
As long as she was putting one foot before the other and bad-mouthing her fellow inmates, everything would be all right.
“Okay, I’m on my way.”
    â€œYes, now. If you want me to take care of your hoe . . . I’ve got to get up early tomorrow and I don’t have anyone to bring me breakfast in bed.”
    â€œWill you call me?”
    He nodded.
    â€œThat’s what you say and then you never do.”
    â€œI don’t have time, Grandma.”
    â€œJust say hello and then hang up.”
    â€œOkay. To be honest, I don’t know if I can make it next week. My boss is taking us for a night on the town.”
    â€œThe Moulin Rouge.”
    â€œNah, I wish. We’re going to the Limousin to see the guy who sells us his livestock.”
    â€œWhat a funny idea.”
    â€œThat’s my boss all over. He says it’s important.”
    â€œSo you won’t be coming?”
    â€œI don’t know.”
    â€œThe doctor . .

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