Hunter by Night

Read Online Hunter by Night by Elisabeth Staab - Free Book Online

Book: Hunter by Night by Elisabeth Staab Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elisabeth Staab
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“Lexi, I need an answer. Are you okay? Can you move on your own?”
    “Yeah.” She nodded. Her voice came out scratchy. “I can.” She hoped. Her legs shook like a mofo.
    “Good.” He glanced around and grabbed her arm, heading deeper into the woods. “Then I’m sorry, but we need to run.”

Chapter 6
    Lee gripped Alexia by the forearm. Behind him, her footsteps tripped and tumbled. For once, remorse burned in his belly when he yanked her forward so they could tromp deeper into the woods.
    “Lee, I can’t keep up.”
    “You have to.” The sticky, humid night air clogged his nostrils. Giant mosquitoes buzzed around his face, flying into his eyes and ears. Fucking nature. “You’re injured. Going back to the estate is not an option. You may not have noticed, but the car got blown up back there while you were busy playing pint-sized vigilante. We need cover so I can get you healed.”
    More hustled footsteps. She actually kept up fairly well for an injured human. He’d noticed her legs were rather long for her height. Just not long enough.
    “Who the hell were those guys?”
    “Magic wielders from an ancient religious order. Guardians.”
    “What?” She huffed and ran behind him again. Coughing and sputtering ensued. Probably blood from her nose getting into her mouth. It sucked when that happened. “Where the hell are we going, anyway?”
    He shook his head. “I don’t know their plan. They never before strayed so far from their leader’s tomb. Come on. This isn’t the place to chitchat.” He pointed up ahead, slowing slightly so he could fall in beside her. “Through these woods is a farm for sale. I’m hoping the property is still empty. I want to get you healed. I’m concerned about the amount of blood you’ve lost.”
    “Yeah, right.” She all but snorted the words, as if the idea of his concern was preposterous.
    Lee turned to look at her. The sight of all that blood jarred his brain. He couldn’t believe she’d tried to fight a guardian with nothing more than a tree branch. “What does that mean?”
    “Like you’re actually worried about my health and well-being.”
    He growled his annoyance. “It behooves me to get you back in one piece and not looking like you got the hell beaten out of you. I also think you’re not nearly as excited to be captured and killed as you’d have your sass and defiance make me believe.”
    She threw her hands in the air. “Give the vampire a gold fucking star.”
    God save me, I am trying to be patient with her. The word here is “trying.” He rubbed his tender jaw. “Then let me carry you. I know I’ve been an asshole about things in the past. Let’s both forget about pride for a minute. If I’d been doing the walking for both of us, we’d be to cover by now. Every minute we spend in these woods, we risk our lives, especially with you injured.”
    She stopped, bit her lip, and mumbled a quiet “fine.” Dammit, she looked terribly vulnerable covered in all that blood. Vulnerable and appetizing.
    Lee scooped her up, cradling her in his arms rather than over the shoulder. He knew from experience that she wouldn’t stand for being treated like a sack of flour.
    The sky opened.
    “Dammit.” After that, Alexia didn’t argue about Lee carrying her.
    His boots sped over the damp earth. Moments later, they arrived at one of the local properties where show horses had once been trained. The economy was tough these days, especially for humans. Dilapidated fences ringed the perimeter, and downed dressage posts lay on the ground in a dirt ring in front of the house. The humans had clearly loved their horses. The nicest kept building on the property was the barn. It stood close to the house. Closer than some people kept them.
    He went there instead of the main house. The building appeared sturdy, and it would be a less obvious place to hide. Upon inspection, Lee found that some straw remained in the upper loft area.
    He sat her against a bale of hay.

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