Hunger of the Heart (Wolves of Ravenwillow Book 1)

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Book: Hunger of the Heart (Wolves of Ravenwillow Book 1) by Magenta Phoenix Read Free Book Online
Authors: Magenta Phoenix
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her upper armed, jerking her stiff form against his. Bending down his lips covered hers in breathless urgency. Shocked; Rebecca froze under his assault. His tongue swept past her lips and into her gasping mouth.
    His hands moved from her arms up to grip her unraveling ponytail and holding the back of her head still for his exploration. Leaving the haven of her mouth, his teeth nipped and pulled at her bottom lip before his tongue swept teasing over the plump flesh.
    Rebecca felt herself being pulled inevitably closer to Eric through his kiss. How long had she wanted this? How long had she dreaded this? Her body softened against his hard frame, warm sensations from his gripping hands in her hair and the soft scratching of his nails against the back of her skull began to pour over her, causing goose bumps to rise on her arms.
    As he broke away from her swollen lips, the temptation to pull him closer almost was her undoing, until Eric’s husky voice broke through the heavy fog that covered her brain.
    “Rebecca.” Her name whispered from his parted lips, as his chest rose and fell with exhilaration.
    His eyes burned over her flushed features and panting lips, his green irises illuminated in the darkness of the hallway. Instead of being fearful of the unnatural glow, Rebecca felt herself being drawn closer by the beautiful glowing orbs that gazed gently down at her.
    Forcing his glowing eyes to darken to normal, Eric strived to put some distance between their desire ridden bodies. “You invite too much unwanted attention, causing males do things they would never do otherwise.”
    Jerking away from his warm hand that still held the back of her head, Rebecca rubbed furiously at her lips as she tried to rid herself of the delicious taste of him. The overwhelming desire for his strong body quickly turned to self loathing.
    Did he mean that he wouldn’t have kissed her if she hadn’t enticed him in some unknowing way? How dare him! He was the one to kiss her! Ignoring his still glowing eyes, Rebecca swung her hand at his face before giving it a second thought. Her hand stung as it met Eric across his face. Not waiting around to see his reaction, Rebecca raced down the stairs. Stopping in the kitchen to grab her purse she was surprised to see Damon leaning against the bar pulling a water bottle from his firm lips, a questioning look on his face.
    Setting the bottle on the bar, he slowly began to approach her. “Are you okay?” His eyes filled with curious concern.
    Glaring up at him as she snatched her purse off the bar, releasing a huff of breath. “You can pick me up at eight.” Without another word she opened the front door, slamming is behind her for good measure. Storming over to her car, she jerked the door open in anger.
    Inviting unwanted attention? I’ll show him unwanted attention!

    Rolling over, Rebecca gave up on her futile attempts to sleep in. All night her dreams had been plagued with visions of Eric kissing her, loving her, his warms rough hands roaming over her flushed skin.
                  With a cry of disgust, she tossed her pillow across the room, wishing she could have hit him with it instead of the wall. Swinging her legs out of bed, she climbed out of her small bed, padding bare foot into the connecting bathroom, her long t-shirt falling barely past her flexing buttocks.
                  Bending over the small tub, turning on the water she adjusted the water temperature to her liking. Leaving the water running she returned to her bedroom in search of a change of clothes. Just as she’d reached her small dresser the shrill sound of her phone on her bedside table grabbed her attention. Crossing to examine the caller I.D. she let out a grunt of disgust as the name: Daniels, Eric, flashed on the small lit up screen.
    What does he want now?
    She was tempted to let the phone continue to ring. It would serve him right to have to talk to

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