HTML The Definitive Guide

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Book: HTML The Definitive Guide by Chuck Musciano Bill Kennedy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Chuck Musciano Bill Kennedy
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    A good example of the use of an image map might be to locate a hotel while traveling. The user clicks on a map of the region they intend to visit, for instance, and your image map's server program might return the names, addresses, and phone numbers of local accommodations.
    While very powerful and visually appealing, these standard so-called server-side image maps mean that HTML authors must have some access to the map's coordinate-processing program on the server.
    Many authors don't even have access to the server. A better solution is to take advantage of client-side image maps.
    Rather than depending on a web server, the usemap attribute for the tag and the and tags allow HTML authors to embed all the information the browser needs to process an image map in the same document as the image. Because of their reduced network bandwidth and server independence, client-side image maps are becoming increasingly popular among HTML
    authors. [Client-side Image Maps, 7.5.2]
    2.7 Hyperlinks
    2.9 Lists, Searchable
    Documents, and Forms

    Chapter 2
    HTML Quick Start
    2.9 Lists, Searchable Documents, and Forms Thought we'd exhausted HTML text elements? Headers, paragraphs, and line breaks are just the rudimentary text-organizational elements of an HTML document. The language also provides several advanced text-based structures, including three types of lists, "searchable" documents, and forms.
    Searchable documents and forms go beyond text formatting, too; they are a way to interact with your readers. Forms let users enter text and click checkboxes and radio buttons to select particular items and then send that information back to the server. Once received, a special server application processes the form's information and responds accordingly, e.g., filling a product order or collecting data for a user survey.[6]
    [6] The server-side programming required for processing forms is beyond the scope of this book. We give some basic guidelines in the appropriate chapters, but please consult the server documentation and your server administrator for details.
    The HTML syntax for these special features and their various attributes can get rather complicated; they're not quick-start grist. So we mention them here and urge you to read on for details in later chapters.
    2.9.1 Unordered, Ordered, and Definition Lists The three types of HTML lists match those we are most familiar with: unordered, ordered, and definition lists. An unordered list - one in which the order of items is not important, such as a laundry or grocery list - gets bounded by
tags. Each item in the list, usually a word or short phrase, is marked by the
  • (list-item) tag and, when rendered, appears indented from the left margin. The browser also typically precedes each item with a leading bullet symbol. [
      , 8.1] [
    • ,
          Ordered lists, bounded by the
      tags, are identical in format to unordered ones, including the
    • tag for marking list items. However, the order of items is important - equipment assembly steps, for instance. The browser accordingly displays each item in the list preceded by an ascending number. [
        , 8.2]
            Definition lists are slightly more complicated than unordered and ordered lists. Within a definition list's enclosing
        tags, each list item has two parts, each with a special tag: a short name or title, contained within a
        tag, followed by its corresponding value or definition, denoted by the
        tag. When rendered, the browser usually puts the item name on a separate line (although not indented), and the definition, which may include several paragraphs, indented below it. [
        , 8.7]

            The various types of lists may contain nearly any type of content normally allowed in the body of the HTML document. So you can organize your collection of digitized family photographs into an ordered list, for example, or put them into a definition list complete with text
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