How to train your dragon
dragon TOOTHFULL," said Hiccup,
    beaming. "I thought of it just now and I'm really pleased with it. It's solid, dependable, not too flashy and not too much to live up to."
    "This reptile finally got his act together and caught some fish," said Fishlegs, pointing at Toothless, who was picking his nose with one claw. "Incredible though it may seem, Hiccup may pass this Test after all."
    "Oh, I think it's almost a certainty," said Old Wrinkly, looking at Toothless, who was now attempting to cross his eyes and was falling down in the process.
    "Al-most," repeated Old Wrinkly thoughtfully.
    And the boys went home, with Toothless following behind them whining, "Ok C-C -CARRY ME, CARRY ME ... it's not f-f-fair ... my wings ache...."
    The Thor'sday Thursday Celebrations were a truly spectacular occasion. The Hairy Hooligans' fierce rivals, the Meatheads, from the nearby Meathead Islands, sailed across the Inner Ocean to the Isle of Berk for this great gathering.
    The visitors set up camp in Black Heart Bay, which turned overnight from an empty desert of echoing seagulls into a bustling village of tents made out of sails too patched to be used at sea anymore.
    By the next morning the Long Beach was packed with stalls and jugglers and fortune tellers. There was a happy confusion of Vikings spotting old friends, and practicing their sword play, and yelling at the children to stop hitting each other RIGHT NOW for Thor's sake no I REALLY MEAN IT this time . . . or ... or ... or .. . ELSE.
    Vast Viking men sat on uncomfortable rocks
    Program of events
    9:00 Hammer-throwing for the Over-GOs only.

Meet up at the Marooner's Rock with your own hammer or somebody else's (hard hats essential for spectators).
    10:30 How Many Gulls' Eggs Can You Eat in One Minute?
    11:30 Ugliest Baby Contest
    Baggybum the Beerbelly is the defending champion in this hotly contested competition.
    12:30 Axe-fighting Display Admire the delicate art of fighting with axes.
    2:00 Young Heroes Final Initiation Test
    Watch tomorrow's Viking Heroes as they compete
    Whose dragon will be the most obedient, and whose will catch the most fish? Blood, teeth, loud yelling -this sport has everything;
    3:30 Grand Raffle and Closing Ceremony]
    guffawing loudly like gigantic sea lions in a holiday mood. Impressively large Viking women huddled in groups cackling like seagulls and downing whole mugs of tea in one swallow.
    Despite Old Wrinkly's gloomy forecasts of terrible storms and typhoons, it was a gloriously hot June day with not even a hint of a cloud in the offing.
    The Young Heroes Final Initiation Test would not start until 2 P.M. that afternoon, so Hiccup spent the morning listening round-eyed to storytellers telling tall tales of Dirty Danes and pirate princesses.
    He was sick with nerves, so he found it difficult to enjoy the occasion as much as he had in previous years.
    Even Gobber throwing up during the How Many Gulls' Egg You Eat in One Minute?
    competition failed to raise more than a faint smile on his pale, tense face.
    Hiccup's family had a picnic lunch overlooking the Axe-fighting Display. Hiccup could not eat a thing, and nor, unusually, could Toothless, who was in a difficult mood and turned his nose up at the tuna sandwich Valhallarama offered.
    "Good to keep your dragon's appetite sharp for the game," boomed Stoick the Vast, who was in an excellent mood. He had won a bet on Goggletoad in the Ugliest Baby Contest and was looking forward to seeing his son's brilliant display during the Initiation Test.
    As the day wore on, a hot wind suddenly started blowing out of nowhere. It was still sweltering, but ominous gray clouds were gathering on the horizon. There was the odd rumble of thunder in the air.
    Maybe Old Wrinkly had been right, thought Hiccup as he gazed upward, and Thor is going to put in his traditional appearance at the Thor'sday Thursday

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