How to Resist Prince Charming

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Book: How to Resist Prince Charming by Linda Kage Read Free Book Online
Authors: Linda Kage
Tags: Romance
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didn’t want to say anything. I didn’t want you to know. But, I guess I’m kind of hoping we’re both so drunk, we won’t remember this tomorrow. So, I’m just going to keep making a fool of myself.”
    He took a cautious step closer. “Lenna...” he whispered. “Since the first moment I laid eyes on you, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you.”
    Wrapping her arms around her waist, she swallowed and stared at the ground. “I keep thinking about you too,” she confessed, blowing her resist-and-evade program all to hell.
    There was no resisting Braxton Farris.
    She heard him move toward her, cautiously creeping closer, until she could see his pant legs from the corner of her lowered eyes.
    Lenna raised her gaze. Her heart beat madly against the base of her throat.
    “I want to know you,” he said, lifting his hand and grasping a stray piece of her hair fluttering away from the rest of her blond locks. Rubbing the lock between his fingers, he whispered, “I want to know everything about you.”
    From that point on, she was a goner.
    “What...” She paused to lick her lips. “What do you want to know?”
    “Everything,” he repeated. “I want to know your favorite color. Your favorite food. Favorite musical group. Your first word? When you started walking? What you wore on your first day of school. Who was your first boyfriend? When did you get your first kiss? But right now, I want to know how you taste.”
    Lenna swayed closer.
    He lifted his face, his eyes searching, pleading. She focused on his mouth and found herself licking her lips again. He dipped his head but stopped at the last moment. His eyes rose to hers, his gaze seeking approval. “Lenna?”
    God, would he just kiss her already? She was dying here. She wanted his mouth on hers. Now .
    But she didn’t want to be the one to initiate it. She wanted him to. She wanted to be able to blame him in the morning when she realized what a mistake this moment had been.
    He wouldn’t, though. Not without her full consent, her total cooperation, and her equal amount of participation. And, oh Lord, she was going to give it. She closed her eyes, her body straining forward.
    His fingers dropped the piece of hair he’d been toying with and moved gently to the side of her throat, where they slid softly and oh-so slowly into her hair. Lenna’s head fell back. She let out a soul-relieving sigh.
    “Kiss me,” she commanded.
    He shook his head and swallowed. “I don’t know if I’ll be able to stop.”
    “Do it anyway.”
    He hissed out a breath and caved. Dipping his head, he brushed his lips across hers only to leave a tingling sensation and the flavor of Jägermeister and Red Bull. Lenna closed her eyes and pressed forward, opening her mouth. His tongue plundered, making her body crave immediate fulfillment. But he mastered her, turning up the intensity bit by frustrating bit, holding her powerless to resist.
    Backing her against the door, he covered her body with his. She drew his tongue in deeper and arched onto her tiptoes.
    He slid his hands around her and, Lord, she slid hers around him. He cupped her ass and lifted her while she whimpered and wrapped him up with her legs.
    She’d never experienced so much eroticism or wanton need before. He made her come unbelievingly, stunningly alive.
    She wasn’t even aware someone had opened a door down the hall until Braxton broke off and lifted his head. He set her down and moved to block her from the guy stepping out of his apartment and glancing their way. Panting heavily, Lenna leaned into Braxton and sucked in air as she rested her hot face against his shoulder.
    “Where’s your key?” he asked between his own quaking breaths.
    “I...” Lenna blinked. Key? What was a key?
    Braxton glanced around, then bent down to retrieve it from the floor. Lenna gratefully stepped aside.
    With no more grace than he’d had on his car in the club’s parking lot, he fumbled, cursed, and

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