How To Catch A Billionaire (The Full Series)

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Book: How To Catch A Billionaire (The Full Series) by Helen Cooper Read Free Book Online
Authors: Helen Cooper
only with me now because you want your job back.” He laughed. “Let’s be real here. Women just latch on to men that can provide something to them. Which is fine. But let’s not say its love.”
    I sat back and thought for a second. What he said wasn’t untrue. I had told myself and him that I was going along for the weekend because I needed the money and because I wanted my job back but that wasn’t really the only reason I was going. I was going because I thought he was ridiculously hot and because I enjoyed sparring with him. I liked the way he made me feel. And that had nothing to do with his money. “I guess you’ll think whatever you want to,” I replied. There was no way that I wanted him to know that I was more into him than I was letting on.
    “See, even you have nothing to say to that.” His voice sounded sad and then he turned on the radio. “Want to listen to some Miles Davis?”
    “Say what?” I frowned at him as Jazz music reverberated through the car. “Who’s this?”
    “You don’t know Miles David?” Harry looked at me and shook his head.
    “Is he related to Larry David?” I thought of the bald guy from the TV show ‘Curb Your Enthusiasm.’
    “No.” He laughed. “So what kind of music do you listen to?”
    “Katy Perry, Rihanna, fun., Coldplay, The Verve.”
    “The Verve?” He smiled. “Aren’t they kinda old for you?”
    “I love them.” I reached over to the radio and starting changing the channels.
    “Hey hey.” He swat my hands away. “Don’t you know you can’t just change radio stations like that?”
    “You never heard the saying ‘don’t ever touch a man’s radio.’”
    I laughed. “Do you mean the line from Rush Hour where he says ‘don’t you ever touch a black man’s radio?’?” I burst out laughing. “You’re funny.” I had tears running out of my eyes from all my laughter and I just couldn’t stop myself.
    “I’m glad you think that’s funny.”
    “Oh Harry.” I stopped on a Top 40 radio and sang along to the Lil Wayne song that was playing.
    “I’m thinking I should take you to a club instead of a nice dinner.”
    “Yeah right.” I looked at him with a smirk. “I could not see you in a club, Harry Green.”
    “Well, there are many things you couldn’t see me doing but I do them.” He licked his lips and I shivered.
    “So, how’d you like it?” Harry smiled at me paternally as I licked the residue of chocolate off my spoon. My stomach was full and I was completely satisfied. Every course had been delicious and the chocolate cake had been the most divine and silky cake I’d ever had.
    “Hmm, this meal was so good.” I beamed at him. “Thanks.” I smiled into his eyes as I remembered my manners.
    “Good.” He called the waiter over to the table. “Two glasses of Champagne, please.”             
    “Oh I don’t know,” I protested.
    “But we have to celebrate.”
    “Celebrate what?”
    “Our new partnership.”
    “What new partnership?” I looked at him in confusion.
    “The one we are about to make.”
    “Uh ok.” I felt a chill run through my spine. Oh no, I thought. Here it comes. He’s going to tell me that he wants me to be his submissive. I’d read ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’ along with everyone else. I knew what this was about. I bit my lip and thought hard. I’d never done anything that kinky before but there was a first time for everything, right? Though I didn’t think I’d make a very good sub. And I didn’t particularly want to get beaten.
    “So I figured the partnership would last for the next two months.”
    “Oh.” I’d never heard of a Dom/sub relationship lasting two months, but I guess I didn’t really know much.
    “It would start this weekend. Then you would accompany me to a family reunion next month and then to a family wedding in two

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