How Not to Date an Alien

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Book: How Not to Date an Alien by Stephanie Burke Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stephanie Burke
Tags: Science-Fiction, Romance
on the slit tongue that laved then surrounded and tugged at first one turgid nipple, then the lonely partner. She could smell his lemon and vanilla as he moaned at the taste of her.
    “So delicious,” he gasped. “So perfectly seasoned, Kilana. Sex and heat, anger and fire, passion and pleasure, such wondrous pleasure.”
    His breath brushed against her skin, setting off explosions in her nerve endings as his hair ran over her body, encasing her in a cocoon of its own making.
    “Valan,” she breathed as his hand began to knead her breasts while his head traveled lower to lap teasingly at her navel. “God, Valan!”
    “So sweet,” he replied, rubbing his face along her belly, looking up at her with those wide, innocent black eyes. “You are so ready.”
    His fingers curled, and those long talons raked gently along her sides, teasing gooseflesh to the surface of her skin, making her body writhe and her hips arch helplessly.
    It was a conscious decision for her to spread her legs. It was her admitting that she wanted this, and that nothing would stop it from happening. She had the power, she knew, finally. She understood that in his own way, this crazy alien had been courting her, seducing her, trying to bring about this very situation. And now she surrendered, leaving herself in the keeping of his alien hands.
    “Yes,” he repeated, closing his eyes and inhaling deeply. “Let me.”
    She moaned, spreading her legs to their furthest extent and relaxing back into the pillows and blankets that cradled her. His hands caressed the skin of her inner thighs, spreading them just a little bit further as he sat back to observe everything she had to offer. She grinned, knowing that he would not find her lacking, especially after all the time he’d spent trying to get her flavor right.
    “You like?” she had to ask.
    “This sight almost caused me to take you prematurely the first time,” he explained, his voice breathless as he pulled his lips back and nearly snarled. “And now this sight makes me grateful that I was born a male, and that I am here to appreciate this. You are sheer perfection, Kilana. It makes me so proud to be the first to come here.
    Had I not acted when I did, this delightful view could have been granted to some undeserving human. And you deserve nothing but the best, Kilana.”
    His honest words caused a blush to spread across her face. But there was no mistaking the delight he had caused. She could feel her liquid reaction dripping down to her ass and making the sheets beneath her wet.
    “So bountiful,” he moaned, leaning down to inhale her scent. “The smell of Halifa blossoms, the beauty of your dark skin, the way your inner walls yield to pink so prettily. It will be an honor to feast upon you.”
    He licked his lips, each fork of his split tongue curling a bit, and then he lunged.
    Kilana screamed at the first caress of his tongue against her clit. The heat of him, the feel of that velvet flesh, his moans of hunger. Then he was slurping her, drinking down her essence as his split tongue encircled her clitoris, tugging and working it as he applied an intense suction.
    “Please!” She could feel her whole pussy on fire! The muscles were tightening, her clit was burning, her thighs were shaking, and he had only just begun. “Oh, oh, oh!”
    “So delicious.” He was growling as he shook his face from side to side, his soft skin abrading the overly sensitive flesh of her sex.
    She looked down to see him, eyes closed, hands gripping her thighs hard enough to bruise, hair flowing wildly around him, and she wanted to scream in her passion. He looked so damn hot! And when he opened his eyes to stare into hers, her whole world tilted on its axis.
    He began to play, to run those vibrating fingers along the lips of her labia, petting the swollen flesh and bringing the tension in her body to a higher level.
    “All for me,” he muttered, sucking her down as if she were the last liquid on earth and he

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