How I Left the National Grid

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Book: How I Left the National Grid by Guy Mankowski Read Free Book Online
Authors: Guy Mankowski
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That he’d gone too far.
    His car keys were in front of him, next to a glass of water. I grabbed them.
    ‘What are you doing?’ He started laughing again.
    I walked out of the conference room, clenching them in my fist. I hadbeen staring out the windows at the basement car park when the arguments got boring, and now I walked down to it. I heard Cunningham following. The grocer grabbed his papers and joined him, along with the other suits.
    As part of our record deal I was given the use of a long, silver Mercedes. Bonny had known that one way to convince me to sign with Exit Discs would be to get them to offer me a beautiful car, and it had worked. For all my idealism, I couldn’t resist. My Dad had never even touched one.
    I could sense them all watching me in the doorway to the car park as I walked over to it. I slipped inside.
    ‘Give my keys back,’ he shouted.
    I reversed out, turning the car to face them. Then I dangled his keys in the windscreen, before throwing them onto the front dashboard. I could see the sweat shining on his forehead as he stamped closer. I had his attention now.
    I drove the car round so it faced the back wall of the car park. I activated the lights. They sprayed onto the far wall of the low-ceilinged car park. On each side, fading into the smear of the distance, were grey concrete pillars. There was no one else down here. Just the cars owned by everyone in the board-room, huddled, watching in the doorway.
    Seeing how I would react. Curious about what I could actually do.
    I decided to show them. Up there in the boardroom, they had power over me. Their contracts told them they were in charge. But down here, I held the reins. I was in charge of a great, glistening, saloon car.
    When I was weak they trod me underfoot. Now I was going to respond in a language they might understand. Cunningham negotiated only in terms of money and possessions. I was going to hit him where it hurt.
    I pumped the accelerator and it sighed to life. Felt the blood pulse through my body and down to my legs. I made the engine exhale in pleasure. Slid into second, tyres squealing in excitement as I coursed through the car park.
    They clamoured around the entrance. Even Cunningham not daringto walk further.
    ‘What is he doing?’ I heard him shout.
    On my first circuit of the car park I went as close to the far wall as I could. Arced the car round with one sweep of the wheel. The engine didn’t miss a pulse as I levelled up, heading for the group of huddled suits in the doorway.
    I’m going to kill him, I thought.
    They spread out, Cunningham’s solicitor throwing papers into the air.
    I roared nearer. Pushed the car until it was just a few feet from Cunningham, before something in me moved and I carved it sharply round. Like a knife drawing out of flesh. Pumped the accelerator and surged back towards the far wall.
    What would Bonny and Simon be thinking?
    The back wall drew closer again. I was getting addicted to that feeling I got at the last moment, avoiding the wall. I was driving round and round the car park in tight circles, round and round and round until that buzz was overwhelming. The thrill of freaking them out grew too strong to resist. I knew that I was too tired to play this risky game with steel and concrete much longer. I knew that soon steel and concrete would win. I would not stop but my body was ready to give out at any second. Collapse.
    Reality was not a concern. All I cared about was this game, this knife-edge. As long as the game endured I had them. All the contracts were useless down here.
    At any moment I could destroy what they really cared about.
    I had never felt blood pump harder through me. I followed the rhythm of the loudening and quietening engine. Have you ever felt that sensation in moments of fear? It’s life blood. With every circuit of the car I was saying to them, this is all you are doing. Driving faster and faster in circles, round and round and round until your bodies give

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