House Immortal

Read Online House Immortal by Devon Monk - Free Book Online

Book: House Immortal by Devon Monk Read Free Book Online
Authors: Devon Monk
Tags: Fantasy
    â€œMedical already knows he’s here,” Left Ned said. “The second you let him into your kitchen it was already too late to hide him.”
    â€œNo,” Right Ned cut in. “I don’t think House White knows he’s here. They would have just shot us to get to him. The blockers were up. I think we’re sunny side for now.” He tugged the purple strips off his arms. “No need to apologize, Matilda,” he said. “We understand why you did it.”
    Right Ned hadn’t looked at me once since we’d come into the room. But he did now.
    He was hurt. Maybe because I’d fought with his brother, but more likely because I’d kissed him. The idea of making Right Ned feel bad made my guts twist.
    â€œNed,” I said to him, “I’m sorry about what I did out there.”
    â€œDon’t be.” There was no forgiveness in his eyes. Just a calm sort of anger that I’d never seen before. “You were trying to keep the things you care about safe. I get that.”
    Lord, the boy knew how to make soft words sting.
    â€œNot at the cost of our friendship,” I said. “Are we settled?”
    Right Ned nodded curtly. “We’re settled.”
    Why didn’t I believe him?
    â€œI’ll go check Lizard and the beasts, then,” Right Ned said. “Make sure House White didn’t detour out into any of the fields.”
    â€œNo,” a voice said from the hallway. “We need to leave now.”
    â€œBlack hell,” Left Ned swore.
    Right Ned gave me the same startled look I was giving him. That had been enough tranquilizer to drop Lizard for a day. It should keep an average person out for two. But not, apparently, the galvanized.
    He stepped out of the shadows, shoulders nearly touching each side of the hall, head tipped down so his hair curled toward his eyes. Pale and sweating, he looked like something that had woken up dead in the middle of the road and gone wandering in a daze.
    â€œGood to see you’re awake,” I said. “But you shouldn’t be out of bed. I haven’t had the chance to sew you up proper.”
    â€œI know how to use a needle.” He had his jacket on, his arm tucked against his gut, his eyes still that troubling pain-red.
    I glanced at Neds. He had backed into the room to stand closer to me, just the way he did when we got caught unawares by a mutated feral patrolling the edge of the property. Except he didn’t have his tranq gun, and I didn’t have my knives.
    â€œWe have no time,” the man said. “We must go, Matilda Case.”
    He had a sincere and commanding way about him, like he was used to saying things and having folk follow without question or comment.
    Yeah, about that: I’d never been much of a follower.
    He frowned and his whole body straightened, as if he’d never heard that word before.
    â€œYou walked into my house, wounded. I’ll see that you’re patched up before anyone goes anywhere. And don’t bother arguing. You won’t win.”
    He slid a look over to Neds, who were standing off to one side and behind me now, as if expecting the man to charge at any minute. I didn’t think he got much support from Neds.
    â€œDo you know who I am?” the stranger asked me.
    â€œI do not. Well, galvanized, obviously. You can tell me more while I look at your wound. Neds, would you get the jelly, please? Here.” I pointed at a chair. “Have a sit so I can take a look at your gut.”
    The man hesitated, paused there in the hallway.
    I raised one eyebrow, my finger still pointing.
    â€œIf you don’t want to sit, you might as well walk out that door. Medical’s just left but a minute or two ago. I suppose they’ll patch you up. Unless they’re the ones who put that hole in you.”
    He exhaled on a held breath and wiped his free hand over his face, pausing to

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