‘The lady at your board—is she the count’s daughter?’
‘What makes you ask that, sire?’
‘Your father demanded that she bring the ransomin person for reasons of his own. If you have her, then keep her under close guard for we may yet gain something from this business.’
‘Do you speak of a ransom?’ Raphael enquired.
‘It is expensive to hold court and keep the loyalty of fickle nobles,’ the prince said. ‘My purse has too many demands on it and I would take half the ransom, as your father agreed—but it might be that we could use the lady as bait to bring her father back. If he believes his daughter’s life forfeit, he might return and offer his life for hers.’
Raphael’s hands balled at his side and it was all he could do to keep them from the prince’s throat.
‘You would surely not murder an innocent lady, Highness? This is not the justice your barons expect in England.’
‘If you wish to keep your own head you will obey me. If the lady has a ransom you will hand half to me—and she is to remain here as your prisoner,’ Prince John demanded.
‘I am sorry to disappoint you, Highness, but the lady is a kinswoman who has come to me for protection. As yet there has been no sign of the count’s daughter, but I shall of course obey your orders if she does arrive with the ransom,’ Raphael assured him smoothly.
The prince’s eyes narrowed in suspicion but at that moment a succession of servants arrived with food and wine, which they offered to him.
‘Taste them,’ he said, glaring at the servant who had offered a dish of lampreys.
‘You need not suspect poison in this house, sire,’ Raphael said and tasted a portion of each dish set before the prince himself. ‘You may eat and drink without fear.’
‘Very well,’ the prince said and took a leg of capon, tearing into the soft flesh and speaking with his mouth full. ‘My men and I will sleep here for one night. Your hall will do well enough for my men. I shall sleep here on the bench by the fire.’
‘As you wish, Highness. If you will excuse me, I must speak to my steward and make the arrangements.’
The prince nodded but made no reply as he investigated a mess of meat and worts with his fingers.
Raphael went out. He summoned his steward and gave him certain orders, then took the stairs that led to the tower room where the lady Angelina was resting.
Rosamunde’s heart jerked as she heard the knock at her door and then saw it open to admit the man she had half-expected.
‘Sir,’ she said, and rose to her feet. ‘What news? What demands did the prince make?’
‘He bid me keep you a captive here on pain of death. You are to be hostage for your father’s good behaviour. Unless he obeys the prince, your life will be forfeit.’
‘No!’ Her throat tightened. ‘My father…the count…it cannot be. He would not surrender his honour for me.’
‘Why? Surely any man of honour would surrender his person for his daughter’s sake?’
Rosamunde’s breath caught. She hesitated, but knew that she must confess the truth. ‘I am not his daughter—I am Rosamunde Meldreth, merely Lady Angelina’s cousin on her mother’s side. Count Torrs would not give his life for me.’
‘Are you telling me the truth?’ Raphael’s hand shot out and gripped her wrist. ‘Do not lie to me or it will go ill with you, lady.’
Rosamunde almost cried out for his grip was firm on her flesh but she would not show fear. She raised her head to look defiantly into his eyes.
‘My cousin did not wish to surrender herself to you. She knew of your reputation and so she sent me in her place.’
‘Why did you come? Surely you could have refused her?’ Raphael asked.
‘My father owes hers money and she said he could be imprisoned for debt. My father is ill and if I do as she asked the debt is cancelled.’ Rosamunde’s eyes pricked with tears. ‘She only gave me half the ransom money and now I do not know what will happen.’
Robert Goddard
Dara Nelson
Diane A. S. Stuckart
Fiona McIntosh
Diana Preston
Tianna Xander
Ellen Fitzpatrick
Amanda Kay
Anne Perry
James Grippando