Horoscope: The Astrology Murders

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Book: Horoscope: The Astrology Murders by Georgia Frontiere Read Free Book Online
Authors: Georgia Frontiere
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psychologist, she’d come to understand since then that it was because of her parents’ deaths when she was a child that she’d married Jack and had children at such a young age. Unconsciously wanting to replace the family she’d lost, she’d been so eager to start her own family that she’d instantly accepted Jack’s proposal. She’d been so moved that he loved her and wanted to marry her that she’d ignored the female fans she’d seen waiting for him outside the locker room whenhe’d played football at Northwestern, and then later when he’d joined the New York Jets.
    At the time Kelly had become friends with Michelle, Michelle had been twenty-one, and, like most women at the college, hadn’t yet been married or had children. Michelle had been brought up Jewish in a suburb of Duluth, Minnesota, and had lived in the NYU dormitory on Washington Square, in Greenwich Village. Kelly had been born Episcopalian and raised with a New Age spirituality that her grandmother had practiced long before people had begun calling it
New Age
. She’d lived on the Upper West Side of Manhattan most of her life, and she’d commuted from there to NYU on the subway. Manhattan had been a constant source of excitement for Michelle; Kelly had loved it but taken it for granted; she’d thought of it as just
. Michelle had brought Kelly out of herself and her sorrow about her divorce by encouraging her to go to the theater, museums, and concerts with her; she’d loved getting to know Kelly’s children, her grandmother Irene, and Emma and Rose. It had been such a different household from the one that Michelle had grown up in, and as a future doctor, she had been inspired by Irene’s positive attitude in dealing with the MS that had bound her to a wheelchair.
    Michelle had also encouraged Kelly to go to graduate school to get her PhD in psychology, and the two of them compared notes about the massive amounts of work each of them had to do while Michelle was in medical school at Columbia and Kelly was in the doctoral program at NYU. When Michelle had started dating Mark Dennison, who’d been freelance writing for magazines at the time, she’d arranged for Kelly to meet him and give her approval, which Kelly had done, and the couple had soon gotten engaged. Michelle had tried fixing up Kelly with some of Mark’s friends, and although Kelly had dutifully gone out ondates with them, even seeing some of them three or four times, nothing had ever worked out.
    Michelle and Kelly had talked about it, and Michelle had accepted the fact that going to school full time and raising two small children, even with the help of Irene, Emma, and Rose to watch them while she was at class, was as much as Kelly could handle. And Kelly was still getting over her divorce from Jack. He’d been her first and only love. She’d thought they were married for life, and then she’d found out he’d been unfaithful to her repeatedly. She hadn’t really been ready to trust men after that, and that included Mark’s friends, however charming they’d been and however interested they’d been in Kelly.
    It had taken her a while to understand this, too, and to heal from her divorce. Since then, she’d gradually begun to date, and she’d had three relationships over the last ten years. The most recent one was with a doctor friend of Michelle’s. They’d broken up the year before because he’d wanted a relationship that was heading toward marriage and starting a family, and they both knew that theirs wasn’t going in that direction. It had been a sad but amicable split.
    As she’d looked at Michelle and Mark at the dinner table in the living room of the brownstone, Kelly had been tempted to tell them about her agoraphobia, but she couldn’t bring herself to admit it, even to her best friend. She was also tempted to tell them about the phone call. Now they were in her upstairs study, finishing off a bottle of cabernet and taking turns looking through

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