Hope Against Hope: The Hope Brothers Series

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Book: Hope Against Hope: The Hope Brothers Series by Honey Palomino Read Free Book Online
Authors: Honey Palomino
presence was having a brand new effect on me.
    “She’s fine,” Crit said, stepping forward and standing in between the two of us. He crossed his arms over his chest, and looked at Beau like he had done something wrong. Beau’s eyes trailed up and down Crit’s large frame, and then back up to his eyes.
    “Okay, Crit, that’s good,” Beau replied, nodding slowly. “I just wanted to check in on her.”
    “Don’t you think you Haggards have done enough?” Crit said, that damned vein on his head throbbing again.
    “I’m real sorry about what happened, Crit,” Beau began. “I want you to know that I talked to Lee myself, and I’ve taken care of the situation.”
    “Well, if I see him, there’s gonna be a lot more than talking happening —,”
    “Crit!” I exclaimed, moving around him. “That’s not necessary!”
    “What the hell is going on?” Ruby asked. I still hadn’t told her about Lee. I just wanted to stop thinking about it, so I had tried to block it from my mind again. “What did Lee do now?”
    “Nothing, come on, Ruby,” I said, grabbing her hand and pulling her out the door. “Thanks, Beau,” I called over my shoulder as I walked to my truck.
    “Nice seeing you, George,” Beau replied as we walked away.
    “What was that?” Ruby asked as soon as I slid behind the steering wheel of my truck.
    “It was nothing,” I murmured. “Just an over-protective brother.”
    “That’s not what I meant,” she replied. “I was talking about the way Beau Haggard was looking at you, George!”
    “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I said, as I put the truck in gear and headed out of the parking lot.
    “Well, if you didn’t see it, everyone else did. Beau was looking at you like you were a freshly buttered biscuit and he was a starved man!"
    “Oh, shut up Ruby. He was not.”
    “I tell you,” she replied. “Beau Haggard’s taken a likin’ to you!”
    “Beau’s been my friend forever, Ruby. Not everyone is always thinking about sex like you.”
    “I don’t know how you aren’t thinking about sex with a man like Beau looking at you like he’s about to slather you in strawberry jelly and gobble you up,” she said.
    “Beau’s a little too old for me,” I said, laughing.
    “Oh, hogwash! He’s only got a few years on you. And besides,” she said, twirling her hair again, “the oldest pipe gives the sweetest smoke.”

☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼

    I had to admit, I understood why Crit was pissed. Hell, I was pissed too. And if I had a little sister, I’d be just as protective. George wasn’t even my sister, and I was feeling that way. I was feeling a whole lot of other confusing shit too.
    As much as I hated it, I hadn’t been able to get George out of my mind for days. I had been hoping to see her at practice, knowing she and Ruby liked to stop by and watch sometimes. Crit and I had the same coach, but I hadn’t run into him since I’d seen George the other day.
    I guess I hadn’t counted on Crit taking it all out on me, but of course he would. One Haggard brother was just as good, or rather bad, as the next. I might not be Lee, but I knew I got lumped in with him just as well.
    I watched George’s truck leave the parking lot, and turned back to Crit and Seth.
    “Crit, now I understand you’re upset, and I’ll tell you, I was mighty pissed at Lee myself. I gave him a piece of my mind, and you can bet he ain’t gonna go anywhere near George again, I can guarantee that. I know this is the last thing you need to be frettin’ over, so I want you to know that I handled it. In fact, Lee’s left town for a while, so he’s out of everyone’s hair at this point.”
    “Well, that’s probably for the best. Far as I can see, your brother ain’t done much good for your family or mine for quite a while.”
    “I have to agree with you there, Crit,” I replied. “Hey, listen, if there’s anything y’all need help with at the farm, please don’t hesitate to let us

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