Hooked (Decadence Nights Book 1)

Read Online Hooked (Decadence Nights Book 1) by Maddie Taylor - Free Book Online

Book: Hooked (Decadence Nights Book 1) by Maddie Taylor Read Free Book Online
Authors: Maddie Taylor
honey,” he answered, “other than the fact you went to a fetish club specifically to meet someone and when you did that someone happened to be the man you’ve been mooning over for years. On the surface, it sounds like a win-win. So aside from all that, what seems to be the problem?” He said this with an all too recognizable glint in his eye. She knew that look and it usually preceded the offering of a few pearls of wisdom from his unique insight into the human mind.
    “This morning,” she began, without much arm twisting, knowing that one or the other of them would wheedle it out of her anyway, “when the heat of the moment had passed, I panicked.”
    “And you ran,” David surmised.
    She nodded.
    “But why?” Emma asked.
    “I was riddled with doubts. In three years, he never made a move. He could have any woman he wants with his wealth, power and good looks. I convinced myself I was nothing but a piece of ass, an insignificant legal secretary, and that he was only interested in one night.”
    “Oh, Livvy!” Em’s cry was heartfelt as she reached over and gripped her hand.
    “I know; it was stupid. Believe me, he wasn’t happy when he arrived at my door this morning.”
    “I imagine not,” David said with a frown. “Did he bust your butt? I would have.”
    Livvy shifted in her seat giving herself away.
    David chuckled. “Sounds like me and Joseph would get along quite well.”
    “Why do I do this to myself?” she asked under her breath as she tossed back the rest of her wine.
    “Allow me to take a crack at that.”
    “I can’t wait to hear this,” Emma whispered, which earned her another warning glare from her husband.
    “I’m keeping a mental count, Emma Jean.”
    She promptly wrinkled her nose, but said nothing more. Livvy, despite the murkiness of her situation, was amused and worked hard to suppress a giggle.
    “When it comes to love and romance, Livvy dear, as the saying goes ‘sometimes you can’t see the forest for the trees’. I’d hazard a guess that Joseph returns your feelings, but his reluctance to express them might have something to do with a little thing called sexual harassment. Power exchange in the lifestyle is consensual, but in the workplace between a boss and his subordinate, it is inherently dangerous. As far as not having made a move, if you think back on your relationship with the perspective you have now, I’m certain you’ll find signs you’ve overlooked.”
    “He’s right, Liv.” Emma nodded encouragingly. “He often took you to family and office functions rather than a date, never forgot your birthday, and sent you flowers just to say thank you.”
    “I thought he was being nice.”
    “Honey,” Emma said with a small laugh. “My boss has never sent me flowers.”
    “And he better not,” David growled. She stroked his forearm as though gentling him, which Livvy thought was sweet.
    “So how did you leave it with him?” she asked. “You being here can’t be a good indication.”
    “He had to go out of town for work tonight, but as he left, he gave me a choice. Rewind and go back to yesterday—status quo—or come to him tomorrow and submit.”
    “You’re not seriously considering saying no!” Emma cried in outrage. “Olivia Suzanne Wright, don’t you dare! You’ve been gaga over that man since the first day you met him.”
    “I had just been dumped by Vaughn when I met him and had sworn off of men, if you recall.”
    “Is that what’s making you hesitant?” David asked, clearly wearing his PhD hat. They had been there for her after the break-up and knew all the gory details. She’d been a mess for a while afterwards, and David had helped her get back on track, or so she thought until her insecurities reemerged yesterday morning.
    “I thought Vaughn was “the one”, too. What if I’m wrong again? I have more to lose now than the last time.” Her eyes got misty as she thought of losing both her job and Joseph. “I don’t know why I

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