Homerun (Pro-U Book 4)

Read Online Homerun (Pro-U Book 4) by Ali Parker - Free Book Online

Book: Homerun (Pro-U Book 4) by Ali Parker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ali Parker
fault. Let me make it up to you."
    "I'll think about it. Thanks for calling." I hung up before he could reply. "Mushrooms and broccoli are a no-go?"
    "Who was that?" Jayce nodded toward my phone.
    "Seth. My ex." I shrugged and pulled at the cart.
    "I know who Seth is or was. What did he want?"
    "To ask me out to the Omega party on Friday, Daddy." I gave him a cheeky grin. "You know what I really want?"
    "Hopefully not Seth. That guy's an asshole."
    "No. I want a cheese pizza. Let's grab one from DeAngelos on the way back to the apartment. Yeah?" I gave him a hopeful grin.
    "As if I could say no to that face even if I wanted to."
    "Yes. I knew there was a man out there that would fall to my charms."
    "There're a lot of us, silly woman." He nodded toward my pocket. "Obviously."
    I shrugged. "He's just lonely. Guys get that way sometimes. Not that you'd know."
    "No?" He stopped the cart and watched me. "And why wouldn't I get lonely?"
    "Because you have Aubrey." I gripped the other end of the cart. "And whether or not you bargained for it... you have me too."
    "Then I'm officially the luckiest man in Providence. Two bossy-ass women to run my life? I don't need to do anything but buckle up and hold on tight."
    I rolled my eyes and pointed to the carrots. "Grab us a bag of those and make sure they're not wet."
    "See... bossy. Bossy. Bossy."
    "You like it." I gave him a cute look and walked toward the center of the grocery store, forcing myself to not get too comfortable in being domesticated with him. Five months would be gone before we could blink twice and much like I was losing Aubrey... I would lose Jayce too.

Chapter 9
    Four Days Later
    "So... how's it going?" Aubrey glanced up from her kneeling position beside her bed at our parents’ house.
    "It's going." I gave her a look and taped up another box. "I'm still not sure why you thought me and Layla living together would be good. It's too much like playing house, sis."
    "Hmmm... that's an interesting way of looking at it." She moved back to sit on her butt, extending her hands behind her as she watched me. "And have either of you cracked?"
    "What exactly do you mean?" I tossed the empty box to her.
    "You know what I mean." She set the box down and went back to her reclined position.
    "No. I'm thinking you're delusional with your thoughts of her being madly in love with me. She's going to the Omega party tonight because Seth invited her."
    "Bullshit. She's going because Emily is going to be there and wanted her to come."
    "I was in the grocery store with her on Monday night when he called." I turned and walked toward her bookshelf. "You sure you want to take all of this stuff with you to Washington? Half of these are children's books."
    "I plan on having children. Pack it up." She grunted a few times before moving to stand beside me. "You're stressed."
    "Fuck yeah, I am. The girl of my dreams is living in my house with me. School is about to start, and I'm taking the same damn class for the third time and I'm juggling two major sports. Stressed would be an understatement."
    "So we need to work through each of these things." She moved behind me, pressing her fists to my back. "Lean against me."
    "Fine, just don't drop me." I smiled and tilted a little toward her.
    "Let's start with Chemistry."
    "Let's don't."
    "Did you ask Layla to help you?"
    "Sort of." I rolled my shoulders forward as Aubrey worked her fists into the muscle between my spine and shoulder blades.
    "Ask her to help you. She will."
    "Great, and when she does, that means more time around her. I've been trying hard to avoid her as best I can."
    She moved back and I hit the floor, growling loudly.
    "What? Why? You guys are supposed to be helping each other with all of this transition." Aubrey turned and began pacing the floor while I laid on my back, looking up at her. "This wasn't supposed to work out like this."
    She ignored me. "Maybe I should just put off the wedding until after May.

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