Home to Big Stone Gap

Read Online Home to Big Stone Gap by Adriana Trigiani - Free Book Online

Book: Home to Big Stone Gap by Adriana Trigiani Read Free Book Online
Authors: Adriana Trigiani
daughters of coal miners have graduated from there.
    “I said I’d do it. They’re trying to get the arts department up and running. You know, they have a private jet.”
    “You’re kidding.”
    “No, and it comes to New York City on a regular basis, when it’s not hauling death-row inmates to your prison from out of state. I said I’d take the position if they could fly me in and out. Get your spare room ready.”
    “I really need you here.”
    “I miss you too, Ave.”
    “How’s Max?”
    “Well, everything my mother taught me about relationships has come to pass. Especially her final warning before she went to meet her maker. She looked at me and said, ‘Familiarity breeds contempt.’ Max and I are on the outs. Evidently, I have bred some contempt.”
    “I’m sorry. He’s such a great guy. And he can cook.”
    “I know. On a gastronomic level, he is irreplaceable. But on an emotional level, he is distant and reserved and in need of counseling.”
    “I know all about that.”
    “Still prying feelings out of Jack Mac?”
    “With tongs.”
    “That must make for some scintillating conversation.”
    “Oh, you have no idea. I’m longing for connection so badly, I told Nellie Goodloe I’d direct
The Sound of Music.
We open Christmas week.”
    “A genuine holiday treat. Who’s in it?”
    “The casting is multicultural. I have a Baptist Melungeon from Esserville playing Mother Superior, an Indian playing Rolfe, and several Filipinos in the chorus. Should be interesting.”
    “I’d love to see it.”
    “Why don’t you come for Christmas?”
    “I thought you’d never ask!”
    “Are you serious? You’re really going to come?”
    “Max kicked me to the curb for Hanukkah, so I’m all yours.”
    I hang up the phone and immediately start making a holiday to-do list. I hadn’t been planning to put up a tree this year—what’s the point, Etta’s not going to be home—but now I’m going to drag every plastic elf and string of lights and glass ball out of the attic and do up the house like the main floor of Belk’s.
    Fleeta puts a slice of pie down on my counter. “What are you so happy about?”
    “Theodore’s coming for Christmas.”
    “He’s gonna miss my wedding, but he’s got the ducats to fly down here for Christmas? Where are the man’s priorities?”
    “Fleeta, you didn’t even want
at your wedding.”
    “I know. But I’m getting the fever now. I can’t hardly help it. It’s the biggest party I’ll ever be at, thanks to you and Iva Lou.”
    “Finally, you’re happy!”
    “Only thing I have a broken heart about is Pavis. Me and him never got along too good. He was a good baby, but when he growed up, he just walked on the wrong side. I tried everything to help him. I give him money, bailed him out several times—oh, and the women he brought home, if you can call ’em that. Pack of flappers—party girls without the means to support the habit, you know what I mean. And they done took him for all he was worth, four times and counting.”
    “Why don’t you call him?”
    “He told Janine that Portly wouldn’t approve of me gittin’ murried again.”
    “How does he know that? Portly’s in heaven.”
    “I don’t have no guilt about Portly, not one drop! I took good care of him all the days of our murried life, and I gave him my youth, my middle age, and a good portion of whatever stage you call this dead end that I’m in right here and now. I don’t have a single regret.”
    “Portly wants you to be happy.”
    “He better would.” Fleeta pushes the pie toward me. “Can I tell you something?”
    “It gits better at my age.” Fleeta winks.
    “It.” Fleeta wipes her hands on a dish towel and then looks at her long fingernail tips, painted in small tasteful stripes in the high school colors of red, white, and blue.
    “Come on.” I’m a little stunned.
    She leans across the counter and lowers her voice. “And we don’t need no help

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